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Deadmines Dungeon - Old Murk-Eye

Created by Undeadicated
Updated Oct 28, 2024 for PvE



44 gold
Old Murk-Eye
Marathon Of The Murlocs
22 gold
Bramble Burst
22 gold
Angry Chickens
Angry Chickens
Furious Fowl
33 gold
On The Prowl
33 gold
Whelp Eggs
Whelp Eggs
Flame Burst
33 gold
Faerie Dragon
Faerie Dragon
22 gold
Murloc Tidehunters
Murloc Tidehunters
Safety Bubble


Avg. Gold2.7
Avg. Damage109
Avg. Health302
Damage per Second
Avg. DPS78



Mini Stats


QuilboarAngry ChickensProwler
Old Murk-EyeMurloc Tidehunters
Whelp EggsFaerie Dragon

Build Cycle

22 gold
22 gold
Angry Chickens
22 gold
Murloc Tidehunters
33 gold
Shortest Cycle
99 gold
33 gold
Whelp Eggs
33 gold
Faerie Dragon
44 gold
Old Murk-Eye

Playable Anywhere

QuilboarUnboundWhelp EggsUnbound


Level 1, Mr. Smite
Units: Defias Bandits, Prowler, Darkspear Troll, Mountaineer, Murloc Tidehunters, Spiderlings, Stonehoof Tauren

Mr. Smite paces along the top of the map while stealth Trolls, Defias Bandits, and Stonehoof Taurens protect him on both fronts.

Every 40 seconds, a stealth Stonehoof Tauren will saunter down a pipe clear to your base.
Drop Whelp Eggs on the pipe to weaken it significantly.

The enemy doesn't have any flying units on this map and uses a lot of stealth. Keep Faerie Dragon in the mix.

Taking this map can rely on switches and meeting stones.
When the battle starts, swap your left meeting stone to go right.
If you have to defend left, the survivors should reinforce the middle lane and secure the gold mines.

Repel the first attack, use Whelp Eggs to take the right meeting stone.
This keeps you from being ambushed on gold runs.
Mining parties are important to keep producing units.

You want to control the right meeting stone to keep the fight isolated to the middle lane.

Before you get to Smite, you have to deal with stealth units. Drop Whelp Eggs on them just before your forces get into range. It's nice to have a Faerie Dragon in the group too.

While you're keeping the heat on Mr. Smite, be prepared to deal with the respawning Darkspear Trolls. They'll pop up again in about 25 seconds.

= = = = = = = = = = =
Level 2, Cookie
Units: Stonehoof Tauren, Huntress, Murloc Tidehunter, Gnoll, Prowler, Raptors, Gryphon Rider, Darkspear Troll

Cookie sits at the top of the map. Squads come up to Cookie looking for grub. If he's not fighting, Cookie will buff the group and send them into battle every 50 seconds.

1st- 3:25 (Left)
2nd- 2:35 (Right)
3rd- 1:45 (Left)
4th- 0:55 (Right)
5th- 0:05 (Left)

Immediately grab the two chests with your cheapest unit and mine right.
You're about to be attacked at 3:15 from the left lane and you want to counter-attack and take the left or both towers if possible.

Angry Chickens are useful for grabbing chests and taking towers.

Use Quilboar and Whelp Eggs to take out the ranged units, and use Faerie Dragons and Prowlers to take out Gnolls and Stonehoof Tauren.

Once you have all three towers, split your attacks between the left and right side, whichever is a clear line to Cookie.

= = = = = = = = = = =
Level 3, Sneed
Units: Goblin Sappers, S.A.F.E. Pilot, Molten Giant, Darkspear Troll, Stonehoof Tauren, Ogre Mage

When charged, the two duplicator panels disintegrate the next unit that steps on either and ejects six enemy copies from a conveyer below the bridge. It has a 20 second cooldown and recharges both panels.

Use Angry Chickens, Quilboar, Murloc Tidehunters, and Kobolds the best you can to set off those panels before a Molten Giant, Ogre Mage or Stonehoof Tauren get to them... Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad day.

Keep fights with Molten Giants and Stonehoof Tauren away from teleport panels. Distract supportive Ogre Mages away with Quilboar or Whelp Eggs.
Stop lone Molten Giants with Angry Chickens.

Grabbing the chest and controlling the left tower should be your first goal.
This will ease hassle on your units going up the bridge and buffer your base from the conveyer riff-raff.
This is a hotly contested tower and will likely switch hands multiple times.

To take the right tower, you can merge the victorious left tower forces with fresh troops from the right deploy zone.

After you control this tower, it's a much shorter distance to the right telepad. When the teleporter is near active, keep inexpensive units moving along the bridge.

Murloc Tidehunters and Faerie Dragon on the bridge are a good defense if something gets through the teleporter that shouldn't.

If you're having trouble with Sneed's defense, secure the map and drop Whelp Eggs and Quilboar on him until he's done.

Build Check

Advanced Build Stats

Build Rating

Lane Offense

Build attack power against leaders and troops.

Tower Offense

Build attack power against towers.

Lane Defense

Build defense against leaders and troops.

Tower Defense

Build defense of player towers.


Inhibits the opponent from executing his/her strategy.

Weak Against

Strong Against

About This Build

This build, Deadmines Dungeon - Old Murk-Eye, was created by Undeadicated on Oct 28, 2024. The leader of the deck is Old Murk-Eye as part of the Beast family.

With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 2.7, DPS at 78, and HP at 302. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.

Check out the profile page of Undeadicated for more of their guides.

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