Scholomance Dungeon - Sneed
Created by Undeadicated
Updated Sep 29, 2024 for PvE
Mini Stats
Level 1, Jandice Barov
Treasure: Black Whelp Tunic
Units: Abomination, Ghoul, Jandice Barov (clone), Meat Wagon, Necromancer, Vultures
Jandice Barov sends copies of herself to attack you.
They have the interesting ability to change from ranged to flying units.
Counter them with protected Witch Doctors or Darkspear Trolls
Take middle, left, then right tower.
You can take the towers with Warsong Raider.
The middle tower should be very easy to take.
Counter Abominations and Meat Wagons with Whelp Eggs and Bat Riders.
You can use the middle lane to go over the bridge too.
You can take out Jandice pretty easily right up the middle lane with Warsong Raiders.
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Level 2, Rattlegore
Treasure: Unstable Concoction
Units: Abomination, Ghoul, Necromancer, Plague Farmer, Rattlegore Spawn, Skeleton Mage, Skeleton Party
Like Legend of Zelda for the NES, If you bump into a gravestone, you'll trigger a ghostly response. Tanks with AOE support come though the graveyard pretty well.
This map will become more cluttered with gravestones as time goes on, so it's better if you can finish off Rattlegore quickly.
Stonehoof Tauren can be a bit problematic, triggering graves when they dart around. Plan their path carefully.
Warsong Raider moves faster and more reliably on this map.
The goal is to build a large team and take the top-center meeting stone and launch as continuous an assault as possible from this point on.
Rattlegore can deploy an Abomination the moment before you get him in range. Keep the order tanks, flyers, then ranged to avoid losing your ranged attackers too soon.
If you lose the top meeting stone and need to refortify, use Whelp Eggs or send your reinforcements in a straight line to trigger less tombs. You can really get caught up late game if you lose that meeting stone.
Try your best to mine the gold while on the assault, once you take a meeting stone, deploy a Kobold to grab the gold quickly.
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Level 3, Darkmaster Gandling
Treasure: Relentless Instruction
Unitis: Abomination, Meat Wagon, Ghoul, Worgen, Skeletons, Harpies
This fight is pretty straightforward, in spite of the teleporting trickiness.
Darkmaster Gandling uses portals to beam your units into a small arena with a chest and enemies. Once you dispatch the enemies, your units can take the chest and attack Gandling directly. These portals appear at the steps just beyond the meeting stones.
If you can beat the first Kobold to the left mine, go for it.
Counter Harpies with Witch Doctor or Darkspear Troll.
Counter Abomination and Meat Wagon with Bat Rider, Whelp Eggs, or Stonehoof Tauren.
Counter Necromancer with Stonehoof Tauren and AOE support.
If you lose a good unit to the arena portal, you can drop Whelp Eggs into the arena, they'll do good against the Abominations.
Stonehoof Tauren and Warsong Raider will do the most damage to Darkmaster Gandling.
Their speed will put them right back on him after being knocked back.
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, Scholomance Dungeon - Sneed, was created by Undeadicated on Sep 29, 2024. The leader of the deck is Sneed as part of the Horde family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3.3, DPS at 103, and HP at 703. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Undeadicated for more of their guides.
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