Max Deadmines Dungeon - Jaina Proudmoore
Created by Undeadicated
Updated Sep 27, 2024 for PvE
Mini Stats
Level 1, Mr. Smite
Relic: Really Big Candle
Units: Defias Bandits, Prowler, Darkspear Troll, Mountaineer, Murloc Tidehunters, Spiderlings, (Stealth) Stonehoof Tauren
Mr. Smite paces along the top of the map while stealth Trolls, Defias Bandits, and Stonehoof Taurens protect him on both fronts.
Every 40 seconds, a stealth Stonehoof Tauren will saunter down a pipe clear to your base.
Have Angry Chickens meet the Stonehoof Tauren off the pipe.
If the Tauren gets to your barracks, stun him with Defias Bandits and deploy a Bat Rider or Prowler.
Footmen and Bat Riders are your main assault force, start any push with those two.
Taking this map can rely on switches and meeting stones.
Repel the first attack.
If it was left, go right across bridge and be ready to support miners.
Send a unit to take the right meeting stone early.
Try to have your left lane meet up with a right lane at the right side of the bridge. Mining parties are important to keep producing units.
You want to control the right meeting stone to keep the fight isolated to the middle lane. It's good to control the right meeting stone or you might lose your Kobold before they get to mine.
Once you clear your path to Mr. Smite, send Prowlers to ruin his day. When they get knocked back, they'll go stealth again for more ambush damage.
Be prepared to deal with the respawning Darkspear Troll. Sneak Defias Bandits or Prowlers into their group and provoke them with Footmen or Angry Chickens.
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Level 2, Cookie
Relic: Windrunner Shroud
Units: Stonehoof Tauren, Huntress, Murloc Tidehunter, Gnoll, Prowler, Raptors, Gryphon Rider, Darkspear Troll
Cookie sits at the top of the map. Squads come up to Cookie looking for grub. If he's not fighting, Cookie will buff the group and send them into battle every 50 seconds.
1st- 3:25 (Left)
2nd- 2:35 (Right)
3rd- 1:45 (Left)
4th- 0:55 (Right)
5th- 0:05 (Left)
Grab the two chests and mine right.
You'll be attacked from left lane at 3:15.
Counter-attack and take the left or both towers if possible.
Controlling all three towers makes this battle easier.
Use Living Bomb on the first two parties to blow at their towers.
You should already have a cleanup squad on the way.
Split your attacks between the left and right, whichever is a clear line to Cookie.
If you control a tower, use Living Bomb on that group right next to Cookie.
Attack open side with Prowlers, Bat Riders, and Jaina.
Use Defias Bandits to grab chests.
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Level 3, Sneed
Relic: Noble Instruction
Units: Goblin Sappers, S.A.F.E. Pilot, Molten Giant, Darkspear Troll, Stonehoof Tauren, Ogre Mage
When charged, the two duplicator panels disintegrate the next unit that steps on any of them and ejects six enemy copies from a conveyer below the bridge. It has a 20 second cooldown and recharges both panels.
Use Defias Bandits and Kobolds to set off those panels before a Molten Giant, Ogre Mage or Stonehoof Tauren get to them. Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad day.
When you're ready to take a tower, use Footmen, Prowllers, or Angry Chickens. They use SAFE Pilot, so keep an eye on your Angry Chickens.
Grabbing the chest and controlling the left tower should be your first goal.
This will ease hassle on your units going up the bridge, and it will buffer your base from the conveyer riff-raff. This is a hotly contested tower and will likely switch hands multiple times.
Keep fights with Molten Giants and Stonehoof Tauren away from teleport panels. It's harder when there are supportive Ogre Mages.
Bat Riders are a persistent problem with this build, Jaina is your only counter.
After you control the right tower, it's a much shorter distance to a telepad. Send Defias Bandits, Angry Chickens, and Kobolds up the right side.
Send Bat Riders and Jaina up the bridge to deal with conveyer copies.
Eventually, you'll break through to Sneed, Prowlers, Bat Riders and Jaina will do the most damage.
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, Max Deadmines Dungeon - Jaina Proudmoore, was created by Undeadicated on Sep 27, 2024. The leader of the deck is Jaina Proudmoore as part of the Alliance family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3, DPS at 66, and HP at 315. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Undeadicated for more of their guides.
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