Dire Maul Dungeon - Charlga Razorflank
Created by Undeadicated
Updated Sep 29, 2024 for PvE
Mini Stats
Level 1, Stomper Kreeg
Relic: White Hare Moccasins
Units: Darkspear Troll, Defias Bandits, Ghoul, Grunts, Mountaineer, Ogre Mage
Stomper Kreeg's forces are so blood thirsty when left wounded they will attack each other. You don't need to win every fight, just wound some units and let them fight to the finish. A lot of the time all you need to do is drop Whelp Eggs on a group and that's enough to set them off. Once they've started fighting, don't get involved... just take out the winner.
Other than that, this fight is pretty straight forward.
The first lane that comes looking for a fight, drop Whelp Eggs on their party and get them to fight it out. If they start attacking your base, it will be too late to get them to turn on each other. Focus your attack on the other less defended tower. I prefer to take the tower on the right first.
Counter Ogre Mages and Huntress with Prowler or Ghoul and Plague Farmer or Murloc Tidehunters.
Once you control both towers, keep the fight closer to Stomper Kreeg and away from your bases. If you get Ogre Mage or Huntress to target Stomper Kreeg, leave them to it and attack from the other side. Plague Farmer does a lot of damage here.
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Level 2, Immol’thar
Relic: Basilisk Fang
Units: Banshee, Defias Bandits, Huntress, Ogre Mage, Prowler, Spiderlings
Every unit you produce also creates an Eye of the Void that explodes on the nearest unit, usually the one you just produced. An easy way to overcome this hurdle is to place units a safe distance from your tower and let it take out the Eye of the Void while your unit goes on it's merry way. Drop units a few seconds apart and alternate the top-right and top-left side of your deploy zone, to avoid overlapping fresh units on spawning eyes.
Counter Prowlers with Ghouls and .
Counter Ogre Mage and Huntress with Prowlers or Ghouls.
Counter Banshees with Whelp Eggs or Murloc Tidehunters, since they're less of an issue if possessed.
If Banshee is alone, you can use a Prowler.
Sometimes, you'll have to let a unit start attacking your base in order to counter-attack safely.
Send your Prowlers up the left lane so they won't be intercepted.
Send Ghouls up the right to slow attacks on your base.
You don't need to take the right tower to win this battle, but if you manage, it's a shorter distance to Immol'thar.
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Level 3, King Gordok
Relic: Band of the Protector
Units: Defias Bandits, Ghoul, Grunts, Huntress, Mountaineer, Ogre Mage
King Gordok is not the most popular leader. If you beat either of his two generals, they will join you in attacking Gordok. However, if they fall, they'll rejoin him at a pretty inconvenient time. You don't need his generals to win, but you do need to take out Cho'Rush, the Ogre Mage standing behind him.
Cho'Rush sits all the way in the top back and heals King Gordok very quickly. He is also the only companion who won't turn against King Gordok.
You'll have to drop Whelp Eggs and Quilboar directly on Cho’Rush during your main assault on King Gordok. Don't bother weaking him earlier than that, he'll heal himself too. If you can't finish off Cho'Rush, it's better not to keep going, regroup and try again.
Once Cho'Rush is down, the fight is over pretty quickly.
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, Dire Maul Dungeon - Charlga Razorflank, was created by Undeadicated on Sep 17, 2024. The leader of the deck is Charlga Razorflank as part of the Beast family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 2.3, DPS at 72, and HP at 473. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Undeadicated for more of their guides.
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