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Wavemaster BB back line counter

Wave Master

Created by xWooodyx
Updated Dec 22, 2023


Bait with swordsman and win with battle boxer



Good counter to Archer Queen and Royal Champion.
Use Wavemasters 3rd upgrade against ranged heroes to launch Swordsman and bait them into moving their hero then launch Battle Boxer if they do. Sailor isn’t very necessary and Fisherman won’t be used. Place Swordsman behind Wm and Healing Ranger first round and go from there but don’t use BB if you’re winning and they don’t move their hero unless it’s last round and you’re more than likely going to win.

Use Wavemasters 2nd upgrade against melee heroes then utilise Sailor for dps and Fisherman for stun and vulnerability when necessary, Battle Boxer to tank.

Upgrade priority:
Wavemaster - 2nd star or 3rd star
BB - 1st star then 2nd star then 3rd star if possible
Swordsman - 1st star if spare elixir but unnecessary
Sailor - 1st star and 2nd star
Fisherman - 1st star and 3rd star
Healing Ranger - any as they’re all good (prioritise 3rd star if opponent is using mass stun or push)

This deck shines more during launch pad tile as you can use the launch pad for Swordsman and/or Battle Boxer and choose Wm’s 2nd star for more damage and stun.

Wavemaster BB back line counter
Wave Master
Battle Boxer
Healing Ranger

Created Dec 22, 2023 by xWooodyx


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconSwordsmanSailorHealing RangerFisherman
  • 5 Elixir iconBattle Boxer

About This Deck

The deck Wavemaster BB back line counter was originally created on Dec 22, 2023 by xWooodyx. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Battle Boxer, Swordsman, Sailor, Healing Ranger, and Fisherman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 8.1, and HP at 179.

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