Lava Pups
(Stats at Level 11)
Lava Hound
Battle Trends
Lava Hound has been below average in the last 29 days.
Win Rate (49.2%)
Pick Rate (8.4%)
Top Lava Hound Decks
About Lava Hound
This is a dedicated page for the Lava Hound card and its stats. Lava Hound is a troop card, is of Legendary rarity, and has an elixir cost of 7. This card can be retrieved once you get to Arena 10, adding it to the pool of all your existing cards.
Do you use this card in a deck that wins matches for you? Head over to our Clash Royale Deck Builder and build a deck to share with everyone. Be sure to write a detailed guide to provide the most help to other people who want to use your deck!