Fast and heals and stall for time
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
This is a monk heal deck with 2 healers and a dart goblin(classic combo) the knight here is going to be a cheap tank and the spear goblin is the ring here, punishing the tiles at the start. The main goal is to keep the monk alive and let it get as much supers as you can. I only recommend upgrading dart goblin’s 1st star. Healing rangers third star(tap to upgrade) Knight to 2 star, spear goblin at 1st star.put the monk/dart goblin/healing ranger in the same line. I will explain more for the counters.
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
Against heavy tanks like the pekka and opposing monks, prevent the monk for getting hit. Get the knight to 3 stars and tank all the damage. Upgrade battle healers 2 star and healing rangers 3rd star. Focus on upgrading the knight
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
The anti heal wizard and Valkyrie, use the knight to tank it all. Monk should stay away from the knight and the healers. Put the spear goblin back of the knight.
![Magic Archer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/magic_archer.png)
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
Magic archer is not a easy counter. Only way to kill it is to kill it with the spear goblin or out dps it. Prevent stacking
![Ice Wizard](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/ice_wizard.png)
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
Same as the magic archer, don’t stack, and let others tank the freeze. Rnjesus with the spear gob will help here.
![Battle Healer](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/battle_healer.png)
![Dart Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/dart_goblin.png)
![Spear Goblin](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/spear_goblin.png)
![Healing Ranger](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/healing_ranger.png)
Created Nov 13, 2022 by Drawr_ClashMini
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
6(Max) + 4 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Monk dub heal was created by Drawr_ClashMini. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Dart Goblin, Healing Ranger, Knight, Spear Goblin, and Battle Healer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 6, and HP at 150.
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