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Easy Shield Maiden

Shield Maiden

Created by Noff_Vampirebox
Updated Dec 29, 2021


A starting deck with common minis for new players.



Shield Maiden is a fantastic starting point for new players. This deck can be put together early on in your career and is generally strong enough to win matches even while you experiment with and learn the game's rules.

Shield Maiden decks may often lose the first round of combat. This is expected, as the majority of your damage comes from your Hero's "Magic Shield" damage reflection ability. There have to be enough pieces on the opponent's board attacking you to fill your ability meter faster than your health can be depleted by the opposing hero. After that first round though, win or lose, it's off to the races.

Begin by building a Spear Goblin or, if you don't draw one, a Wizard. Spear Goblin's first attack will melt any opponent it hits, guaranteeing Magic Shield will take it down later in the fight. Place your Spear Goblin anywhere you think an important opposing mini will begin the match. You do not have to attack the same opponent as your Hero does - and in fact you may not want to.

As the match progresses, build a healer into your composition. This will keep your other minis alive longer to deal more damage between uses of Magic Shield. It's even possible to activate Magic Shield a second time in the same round in the event you're evenly matched.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Spear Goblin
Healing Ranger
Magic Archer

Against Archer Queen and any other forward-focused opponents, build a Miner as soon as you can. Miner is devastating to teams that try to burst you down, as he both hits hard and draws the attention of backline damage dealers. Even if he doesn't take another mini down with him, he'll have weakened and delayed your opponent long enough to guarantee you can activate Magic Shield.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Spear Goblin
Healing Ranger
Magic Archer

(Late game)

In the mirror match against Shield Maiden, your goal is to activate Magic Shield as fast as you can while NOT attacking your opponent's Shield Maiden. Magic Shield can only activate by filling the ability bar, which fills as opponents attack you.

However possible, try to place your minis so that they attack the opposing minis instead. This may be easier if the opposing Shield Maiden is off to one side. This way, your Hero will activate first while your minis clean up most of the enemy team. Placing your minis in the back may allow the opponent's minis to walk forward, ensuring they draw the attention of your units.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Spear Goblin
Healing Ranger
Magic Archer

(Early Game)

There is a risk with this, however. If you don't have the power needed to burst down the opposing Shield Maiden before she activates her own Magic Shield, you could kill your own entire team with reflected damage. If you're in this situation, follow the opposing Hero around the map and try to activate second. If you manage to activate Magic Shield when all of the other opponents are attacking you (and all of your minis are out of range or dead), you can turn the tables and destroy their entire team at once.

VS.Ice WizardIce WizardTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Spear Goblin
Healing Ranger
Magic Archer

Ice Wizard is your worst enemy. Your opponent will use him to slow your Shield Maiden's attacks, which are another source of filling your ability meter, hoping to take you down before Magic Shield activates. Your goal is to hang back and burst the Ice Mage down as fast as you can. Your Shield Maiden will walk back into battle for a late ability activation against the weakened opposing team.

Easy Shield Maiden
Shield Maiden
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Spear Goblin

Created Dec 29, 2021 by Noff_Vampirebox


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSpear GoblinMiner
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconWizardHealing Ranger
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMagic Archer
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Easy Shield Maiden was originally created on Dec 29, 2021 by Noff_Vampirebox. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Spear Goblin, Wizard, Healing Ranger, Magic Archer, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 7.5, and HP at 142.

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