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undead army

Skeleton King

Created by jrtoes
Updated Feb 21, 2024


to make a army of skeltons



use giant skeleton to explode any front troops once the damage is done skeleton king will be able to deal with some of them the skeleton guard is to buff the skeleton king then chomp will do damage to troops and will take down 1 or 2 weak troops and witch will build and army that will help skeleton king in his battle

Magic Tiles


Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Clone a Troop with 30% HP

for this one you might think that witch or skeleton king would be good for but your wrong i would recommend skeleton giant two bombs with 22 damage each would be op and destroy almost every card its like having another hero when you have two bombs if you do witch you will make 8 skeletons every times but cards like archer queen or any range card could wipe all the skeletons magic archer will destroy skeletons faster then they are made so i do not recommend nothings wrong with skeleton king but is it as good as two bombs that wipe everything no


Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars

Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars

since all our cards are okay i would recommend using royal ghost then you would have either princess or boxer and they are both op and way better then royal ghost do not use skeleton guard he is there to give your cards shields


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

i recommend skeleton king he is a tank and can be revived so this will help him kill more then what he usually does all of the options aren't bad but don't use royal ghost chompy or skeleton guard


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Skeleton Guard
Giant Skeleton

send all your attacking troops at the front the farther back they are is the more the archer queen will damage them so you have to make it so then they can get to her and she will die instantly when they get to her

VS.Barbarian KingBarbarian KingTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Skeleton Guard
Giant Skeleton

he does heavy damage so we send our giant skeleton to tank hits and do damage and when he explodes it will do most of barb kings health then chomp will finish him off the rest are there to take down any troops

VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Skeleton Guard
Giant Skeleton

for this countless attacks the troops with the less hp so if i use skeleton guard to tank hits and witch manages to spawn 4 skeletons they will take care of her and others are to attack

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Skeleton Guard
Giant Skeleton

this one is risky but your gonna use witch to waste his ultimate ko and the skeletons will deal with him and the rest is wraps

VS.Royal ChampionRoyal ChampionTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Skeleton Guard
Giant Skeleton

this one is hard the skeletons will die instantly so witch is useless your gonna use giant skeleton to tank hits and explode him skeleton king will deal with him afterwards the rest can deal with base troops

undead army

Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSkeleton Guard
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconWitchGiant SkeletonChompy
  • 4 Elixir iconRoyal Ghost
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck undead army was created by jrtoes. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Witch, Royal Ghost, Skeleton Guard, Giant Skeleton, and Chompy as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 10.9, and HP at 162.

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