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Royal Champion SBTG/DPS

Royal Champion

Created by CodenameZeus
Updated Jan 31, 2024


An exceptional combo of pseudo tankiness, DPS and SBTG.



The general setup for this deck is that you wanna get the third upgrade for the Royal Champion as soon as possible. Afterwards you wanna build up your defensive core by placing the Knight and Royal Recruit as shown in the table above, and placing the villager as support in the back. Using this formation, your villager is very likely to have a long life span.

The reason why I recommend placing the Royal Recruit in front of the Knight is because the Knight's passive ability taunt will force the frontline to walk around the Royal Recruit and waste their time while your Royal Champion does work. This can and on some occasions (mostly when the opponent's deck is frontline heavy) should be further enhanced by getting the extended taunt upgrade on Knight. This simple yet effective strategy, along with the Royal's buff creates pseudo tankiness which buys a lot of time for your Royal Champion to do work from the back.

The riders are the most important part od this decks success. The way you use them and upgrade them will determine whether you'll be victorious or not. Usually, you want to place them last so that you may counter your opponent's plays. Make sure to separate the Prince and the Hog Rider, otherwise the Prince will miss his clash ability aimed at any unit effected by the Hog Rider's CC. The opposing Hog Rider can be countered by your Prince if they're placed facing one another in the frontlines. Taking this in account, try not to use your Hog Rider in the first row unless you're confident that the opponent doesn't have a Prince of their own. In certain scenarios, out of desperation, you may wanna place the Prince anywhere just to complete your synergy as it can really give you a last chance at survival. In such cases try using it on frontliners such as Natureborn, Giant or the opposing Knight as it has a chance to completely ruin your opponent's strategy.

When it comes to upgrades, as mentioned you wanna get the third upgrade for the Royal Champion ASAP! The best opening play is upgrading the Royal Champion and placing a Royal Recruit in the front to tank. Alternatively place a Royal Recruit and villager in the back. For the next play usually you wanna get the first upgrade for the Villager (+1 Hero DMG) as it'll make stacking up the passive easier, and complete your tank/support Knight/Royal Recruit/Villager core. Upgrade your Knight with either of the theee upgrades depending on the situation, or save up on elixir. In the following rounds, the opponent is likely to have filled up the board with their troops, so now you should start looking into sabotage options. Place your riders accordingly and start investing all your elixir into them. Usually the first to get maxed out is the Hog Rider as he'll usually go in the backlines and wreak havoc to the squishies, either killing them or soaking up their CC and DMG. Therefore the best way to upgrade the Hog Rider for this purpose is by starting with the HP regen (3rd upgrade), longer stun (1st upgrade), and situationally you may wanna get the final one as well. If your Hog Rider needs that slight edge in battle to assassinate some of the units in the back, then go for the final upgrade. With Prince it's much more situational as this unit finds a lot different niche use cases. Depending on whether your prince is used to assassinate, sabotage or just buy time you will pick your upgrades accordingly. For assassinations start with the first upgrade (bonus CLASH DMG) followed by the second (x2 DMG after CLASH) and buy the final one (KO Pony (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡) only if you have elixir to spare. In situations where you want to buy time start with the Pony (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ and invest in the rest of the upgrades if you have elixir to spare.

Generally you don't wanna move your Champion except in two occasions: the opponent sent out a rider unit or a head hunter for example to specifically target your champ. Always try to counter it with your riders first, and with champion movements last. The reason for this is because the champion can switch places with any unit and sometime changing its place with a hog rider for example or a prince completely turns the tides of the battle. Due to the complete Royal's buff and the Knight/Royal Recruit stall, your champ is quite tanky so don't be afraid to put in in the frontlines when attempting this insane strategy.

I started playing this game a few weeks ago and I made this deck using the very few cards I have at my disposal so I'd say it's very F2P friendly. Besides that, it brought me to 3000 trophies in no time. If you enjoyed this guide and this deck, I'm happy to inform you that I'll be starting a YT channel dedicated to Clash Mini where I'll cover decks, strategies and news, so make sure to be on a lookout for that!

Magic Tiles

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

This tile is best utilized by the Royal Champion if it spawns in the back and the riders if it spaws in the front. If you have the Royal Champion third upgrade in the first round and a tile spawns in the back, don't hesitate to place your champ on the tile first play. Just make sure you set up your defensive core to counter any CLASH abilities that the opponent most definitely will use to counter you on that tile.


+1 ATK permanently every round

+1 ATK permanently every round

The advice remains the same as with the previous tile, however this one may not be worth the risk of moving the champion and having it completely countered by the opponent's CLASH troops. The reason being that, unlike the devil deal, this buff gets progressively stronger which sometimes doesn't scale fast enough to be valuable.

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

This tile may or may not be useful depending on where it spawns. The only troop that can benefit consistently from this tile is the Royal Champion. However this deck doesn't really change that much in strength with elixir apart from becoming more tanky, so only opt to use this tile if the tile spawns in a really convenient spot.


VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Hog Rider
Royal Recruit

The monk can prove to be an extremely annoying deck to go up against as he really mows down your defensive core. The way to counter this deck heavily relies on proper use of CC, taunting and assassinating. The Hog Rider this time around is used to buy time in the frontlines, the Prince is there to assassinate a potential Villager in the back which is the usual pick for Monk decks nowadays. Otherwise, use the Prince to push back an annoying frontline troop to the back and make sure ro start him off with the Pony (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠) upgrade, trust me it makes a difference.

The Royal Champion is placed slightly in the front to prevent losing time on walking up to the enemy troops. Besides that, the opponent is very likely to have a Hog Rider of their own in this deck so this position is likely the one you'll end up in once they attempt to use it against you. I recommend waiting to see what the opponent has in their deck before moving the champ to the front.

PS: For all you Monk mains out there, if you ever come across an opponent using this deck, the way you can defeat them without even trying is simply buying the second upgrade for Monk and not placing any units. Without any stacks on the Royal Champion, the damage dealt by this entire deck is very low so the Monk will literally solo everyone due to the lower SUPER energy cost, passive energy gain through taking damage and the heal bonus (all provided by the second upgrade). I experimented a lot on how to fight this strategy but there is simply no solution, it's a perfect counter. Every deck has a weakness or a flaw and this is one of them. Don't get me started on the Battle Machine using the Saint Mirror...

VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Hog Rider
Royal Recruit

The Countess is one most awkward opponents to face as these battles really turn tides unexpectedly. There aren't really any good general advice to be given here but here's what you can try doing to increase your chances of winning. Watch out for the Head Hunters which are a common pick for this deck. Use your Prince to assassinate it as soon as possible, if they counter your Prince then use the Hog Rider, the Head Hunter is a high priority target! Otherwise, use your Hog Rider to CC the frontlines and hopefully assassinate the Countess before it can heal and shake off your troop's aggro. Make sure not to use the Hog Rider's extended CC along with Knights extended taunt on the same target as they don't stack therefore you end up wasting an upgrade that doesn't change interactions.

This battle may be the only one in which you may wanna invest some points into the Royal Recruit... nah I'm just kidding, buy the Pony ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ upgrade for the Prince, it's insane how many time my beloved horsey clutched the Countess battle with its CC.

VS.Grand WardenGrand WardenTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Hog Rider
Royal Recruit

Against Grand Warden decks the Knight/Royal Recruit stall core doesn't work, you're gonna place them in the front as shown on the table above, they're literally cannon fodder, buying as much time as possible. This battle is determined by your riders and how well you position them. The Electro Wizard and Ice wizard are your highest priority targets, in that order. Invest all your points into your riders and the odds of you winning this are very high. Just don't be surprised with the occasional a** pulls the Grand Warden randomly performs giving shiled to its allies in the worst possible moment thus costing you the battle.

VS.Royal ChampionRoyal ChampionTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Hog Rider
Royal Recruit

So far I've never had a true mirror match, in fact most opponents use the Royal Champion SUPER recycle (2nd skill) variant which is why I never lost a Royal Champion matchup with my deck variant.

Just like with Grand Warden deck, the Knight/Royal Recruit core isn't as useful because the opponent is likely to use stall strategies themselves, so it's better to use your Knight as cannon fodder and Royal Recruit to defend from any Prince attempts at your precious Villager. On the other hand, don't hesitate to use your own Prince to attempt the same strategy against your opponent as 40% attack speed buff the Villager gives to the hero is a huge factor in how the match plays out. In fact, it's highly unlikely that the opponents deck has any target of higher priority. The opponent is almost always gonna have a Hog Rider so don't move your Royal Champion until the opponent's inevitable yet futile attempt at using the Hog Rider to counter your backline occurs.

I kid you not, in this specific scenario, if your positioning is such that the Prince is next to the Royal Recruit and actually hits some important troops, you may wanna invest in the Royal Recruit's CLASH give BLOCK to nearest ally upgrade.....naah, I'm just messing with you...but maybe... (I actually had a single match where the fully upgraded Prince actually assassinated the champ using this desperate strategy)

VS.NaturebornNaturebornTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Hog Rider
Royal Recruit

Against Natureborn decks, depending on the variant, you may wanna attempt two different strategies. In the table above, we have a theoretical formation of how you may use your double riders to double counter the Natureborn. The reason why I use the word "double counter" is because upon using the Hog Rider, the opponent is likely to move their Natureborn into a different spot, then you're free to use your Prince to counter them yet again. The reason why you wanna do this is because the longer the Natureborn is out of battle, the longer its allies are vulnerable without its support.

The worst case scenario is if they're using a Giant as tank. That unit WILL NOT die EVER by the time you reach round 5. In this instance, using the prince against this unit to take it out of the battle is actually more worthwhile than targeting the Natureborn. Since Natureborn decks that run Giant as the tank are elixir heavy, I suggest you postpone your prince counter as much as possible so that you trick the opponent into investing elixir into a troop that'll become useless once you knock it into the backrooms with the Prince. This way you ensure that the opponent doesn't have the elixir to invest into Pekka or any other heavy troops these decks usually carry. Attacking the giant too early will immediately make the opponent change their investment strategy and the Giant will still be very tanky nuisance even without any upgrades by the time you reach round 5.

The alternative scenario is a variant of Natureborn which uses a backline full of Wizards. By now you surely know what to do when there is a backline full of squishies ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ.

Royal Champion SBTG/DPS
Royal Recruit
Hog Rider
Royal Champion

Created Jan 27, 2024 by CodenameZeus


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconRoyal RecruitKnight
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconHog RiderVillager
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconPrince
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Royal Champion SBTG/DPS was originally created on Jan 27, 2024 by CodenameZeus. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Hog Rider, Prince, Royal Recruit, Villager, and Knight as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.3, and HP at 132.

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