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Pink Fury

Created by ClashingValkyrie276953
Updated Jan 21, 2024


Genera toneladas de elixir durante la partida//generate a lot of elixir in the game



//English translation is down, here is spanish//
Este mazo no necesita tanta cabeza o skill, solo ahorra y ten suerte que no toquen tiradores. No hay orden de mejoras, solo mejora a los ELIXIRES antes que a los otros minis.

Ira Magenta: Mejora el progreso 1 ya que tendrás demasiado elixir, se moverá rápido, usa el super rápido y gana más elixir para ir más rápido.

Apaciguador: Mejora los 3 progresos. Aunque no importa el orden lo mejor sería el progreso 3 de 1° y los otros 2 realmente no. Al estar a 3 estrellas deja que juegue una ronda y al principio de la siguiente vendelo e intenta recomprarlo lo más pronto posible. La última ronda si logras tenerlo a 3 estrellas ya no lo vendas a menos que si puedas recomprarlo.

Golem de elixir: aunque parezca mala idea el usarlo la verdad se le puede sacar un gran provecho a este. Mejora el progreso 1 y ponlo enfrente así logra morir y te regenera 6 de elixir.

Leñador: no lo mejores, solo así funciona bastante para tener la clase ELIXIR a 4.

(Los últimos 2 minis pueden ser a gusto propio, de preferencia alguno de 5 de elixir o que puedan causar sinergía con las casillas mágicas)
Los últimos 2 minis se mejoran al máximo en la última ronda, y si eres bastante humilde puedes mejorar al máximo al resto de ELIXIRES.

This deck doesn't need as much head or skill, just save elixir and be lucky that you don't get RANGERS. There is no order of upgrades, just upgrade the ELIXIR's before the other minis.

Pink Fury: Upgrade progress 1 as you will have too much elixir, she will move faster, use super faster and earn more elixir to go fasterer.

Defyser: Upgrade all 3 progress. Although the order does not matter, the best would be progress 3 of 1st and after the other 2 with no order. Since it is at 3 stars, let it play one round and at the beginning of the next sell it and try to buy it back as soon as possible. The last round, if you manage to get it at 3 stars, don't sell it unless you can buy it back.

Elixir Golem: although it may seem like a bad idea to use it, the truth is that you can get a lot of use out of it. Upgrade progress 1 and put it in front so it can die and regenerate 6 elixir.

Lumberjack: don't improve it, this alone works enough to have the ELIXIR class at 4.

(The last 2 minis can be of your own choosing, preferably one of 5 elixir or that can cause synergy with the magic squares)
The last 2 minis are maxed out in the last round, and if you're humble enough you can max out the rest of the ELIXIRES.

Tiles & Gizmos

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

Pink Fury will make wonders xdd
Ira Magenta hará maravillas xdd

Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Pink Fury
Elixir Golem

Defiende al recolector y te ayudará
Defend the collector and will help you

Elixir Golem
Pink Fury

Created Jan 21, 2024 by ClashingValkyrie276953


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconDefuser
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjackFishermanSwordsman
  • 4 Elixir iconElixir Golem
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck OCÉANO DE ELIXIR//ELIXIR OCEAN was created by ClashingValkyrie276953. This deck uses Pink Fury as the hero with Defuser, Elixir Golem, Lumberjack, Fisherman, and Swordsman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 10.2, and HP at 160.

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