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Royal Champion Rider Deck

Royal Champion

Created by YT_Tony_ClashMini
Updated Jan 3, 2024


One of the best high ladder RC decks for climbing trophies


Avg CostElixir icon3.4
Avg DPSSword icon1.75
Avg HPHeart icon25.33
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Hog Rider


Youtube: Tony - Clash Mini

One of the strongest high ladder decks in the meta currently. I'm playing this at 3600 trophies.

Round 1: Prince, Mega Knight or RC upgrade (See RC upgrade guide below). Prince is mainly for forcing enemy hero to move early if they are down the middle. Mega knight usually better option if you want to flex/force positioning later but hog rider does this fine too.

Round 2: If you haven't gotten RC upgrade yet and you need the third ability, try to find it now. If you can't think about either the first or second for your scenario. Villager can be put down alongside her first ability. If you did not put down prince, hog or fisher man yet, don't do it unless you know for sure it is the correct play and you can get value otherwise, upgrade mega knight, RC or Villager and wait. Remember, prince can be a good way to force heroes to move, or alternatively, you can place hog rider at the very front to target the last three spots either on the right side or left side to force an AQ for example, to move and then place prince to continue the pressure.

Round 3: Situational upgrades and positioning for fisherman, hog, and prince.

Royal Champion Promotion Tip/Guide:

First Promotion (Super can bounce up to 3 opponents, stunning each for 3s) Archer Queen, Shield Maiden, Skeleton King, Wave Master, Nature Born, etc (heroes that will prolong the fight )

Second Promotion (Boast: Gain full energy and +2 Super damage (stacking, max +16 damage)) Monk w/ low hp minis (getting the second promotion against Monk beneficial because can potentially keep him stun locked, otherwise you will lose hard if you cannot kill him fast enough), Low HP minis, Witch, Goblins

Third Promotion (Boast: Gain +1 attack damage (stacking, max +8 attack damage)) If you get it Round 1, latest Round 2. Needs time to stack usually and if you can’t get it ASAP, play around the first two promotions as they are also extremely strong too. If I am versing a countess, I make sure to always try to roll Round 1 for this as the extra auto damage is extremely beneficial for killing her later on.

Royal Champion Rider Deck
Hog Rider
Mega Knight
Royal Champion

Created Jan 3, 2024 by YT_Tony_ClashMini


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconFishermanHog RiderVillager
  • 4 Elixir iconMega KnightPrince

About This Deck

The deck Royal Champion Rider Deck was created by YT_Tony_ClashMini. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Mega Knight, Fisherman, Hog Rider, Prince, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 10.5, and HP at 152.

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