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Royal Champion Stun on Top

Royal Champion

Created by ClashingGoblin833014
Updated Jul 18, 2023


Control by Stunning



Round 1: Place your Royal champion In the bottom left corner of the field. Then I would recommend that you place your golden giant near the front of the middle. Instead you could place the mega knight at the front of middle, or you could not place anything to get an elixir advantage next round.

Round 2: Depending about how much elixir you have, I would recommend that you upgrade your golden giant and if your opponent has a placed a low hp range unit you could snipe them with your bowler. You could also place your ice wizard to slow down your opponent's troops, but if your opponent has a royal champion I wouldn't recommend placing this as the royal champion will chain all over your troops.

Round 3: In this round I would recommend trying to max your swordsman and try and put it as near as possible to your opponents troops. If your royal champion is in the same lane as bowlers or princes (troops that do a lot of damage on there first attack) You could use the ice wizards clash ability to freeze your Royal Champion.

Round 4: Keep upgrading your troops and try prioritize the ones that will stun as stunning is a lot more important later in the game.

Round 5: Keep upgrading your troops and enjoy! I hope you have fun playing me deck feel free to change any cards.

Magic Tiles


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

For this tile I would recommend you using mega knight (if the healing tile is at the front) I would also recommend using the healing tile for the swordsman as this can get insane value.

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

If this tile is at the back I would place your royal champion on it. But if its near the front, this team doesn't have the most ideal options, but using mega knight can be good


Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars

Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars

For this tile you can gamble by using your champion to get a 3 star 4 elixir mini or you can use any other troop. This tile is mainly a gamble so it could go either way. I would show how to play more tiles but there is not enough room.


VS.Electro WizardElectro WizardTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Ice Wizard

You want to try anything you can do to knock out the electro wizard as this will be really annoying when this stuns all your units. To kill this You want to place the bowler in the lane that the Electro wizard is in and try and slow it down using your ice wizard. You want to get rid of this little critter as soon as possible.

VS.Ice WizardIce WizardTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Ice Wizard

For the ice wizard I would recommend placing your bowler in the same lane as the ice wizard and trying to get your mega knight or your swordsman close to the ice wizard.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Ice Wizard

If the wave master is not throwing anything over the map. I would recommend stunning the wave master with your mega knight and trying to kill it with your swordsman. However if the Wave master is throwing something across the map this deck isn't the best at dealing with this. However, You can try slowing it down by using ice wizard and if they fling a troop such as valk you can use your swordsman. If they throw a swordsman try and distract with mega knight whilst your swordsman attacks it.

VS.BowlerBowlerTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Ice Wizard

The main threat of the bowler is sniping your ice wizard and stunning your troops to combat this, you can use the ice wizards clash ability to freeze itself and nearby troops.

VS.WitchWitchTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Ice Wizard

Countering this unit is relatively easy as the Royal Champion can easily chain off the skeletons causing the Royal Champion to get insane value

Royal Champion Stun on Top
Mega Knight
Golden Giant
Royal Champion
Ice Wizard

Created Jul 18, 2023 by ClashingGoblin833014


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconSwordsmanGolden GiantBowler
  • 4 Elixir iconMega Knight
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Royal Champion Stun on Top was created by ClashingGoblin833014. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Mega Knight, Swordsman, Golden Giant, Ice Wizard, and Bowler as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 9.1, and HP at 171.

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