Build an infinite-healing setup for your Shield Maiden, win in the center and on the edges.

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I've played this game for about a year now, and this is the most no-skilled yet the most winning deck i've ever seen. This deck basically plays for itself and the biggest problem you may run into is matchup, so don't be afraid to pick this deck up, even if you don't have maxed out hero/minis.
With this deck i was able to reach the top 1000 with ten days to the end of the season, and i was able to push from 1.2K to 1.9K in only a couple days, entering the top 1000 with a 9 win-streak and a >65% win rate.
I don't know whether the meta likes this deck or not (as a variation of the classic Shield Maiden Fortress), but I think this works so yeah :p
One other thing - thank you all for the support on my BK Versatile War Machine deck - it was my first post ever and i was sooo happy to see so many views and upvotes. It really means a lot💕
The main focus of this deck is to keep healing the Shield Maiden, allowing her to reflect most of the damage and possibly win in the overtime.
The setup for this deck is pretty simple: you want to put your Shield Maiden in the front - trying to balance defensive/stalling positioning and a good use of her Halo Descent (clash) ability.
Next to her you'll put the Battle Healer. Among the two, I'd say it's generally better to put the Shield Maiden more exposed (you want to rack up some energy for that shield).
Healing Ranger and Dart Goblin go in the back. The first one will support the Shield Maiden and the Battle Healer from behind, while the second will eventually fulfill his role in ranged DPS (which is always good :>)
Mini Pekka is more of a situational troop, and will be mostly used for its Drain (dissipate) ability to prevent enemy supers, in general from their hero.
Bowler is a situational troop as well and needs to be wisely upgraded, since getting him to his first two levels will make a huge difference in battle but requires a huge elixir commitment for a non-healing card.
To sum it up:
Shield Maiden: Tank/Reflection
Battle Healer: Healing
Healing Ranger: Healing + Anti CC
Dart Goblin: DPS
Bowler: Damage + CC
Mini Pekka: Sabotage + Bait
These are the most useful upgrades and the ones you'll be looking forward to get.
Battle Healer: 2⭐️ --> 1⭐️
Healing Ranger: 1⭐️ --> 2⭐️
(3⭐️ for anti CC based on the matchup).
Dart Goblin: 1⭐️
Mini Pekka: 3⭐️
Bowler: 1⭐️ --> 2 ⭐️
(3⭐️ based on the heaviness of the enemy backline and possible lineups).
🔅Please scroll down to see the Gizmos and Counters Guide.🔅

Pancaker is probably one of the best if not the best Gizmo to go with this deck, since it provides healing and energy (via the Inspiration ability) to the Shield Maiden.
The most important part of the Pancaker setup is to place it as distant as possible from the Shield Maiden, in order for it to target the Shield Maiden.
I recommend using the Pancaker also to protect a troop in the backline (as shown in the setup). That could be either Healing Ranger or Dart Goblin with his first upgrade.

To enhance the damage output from your backline, you could try using this Healing Ranger and Dart Goblin setup.
I strongly suggest this setup over the other one against non-ranged heroes like Barbarian King, Skeleton King and Monk, while I do not recommend using this setup against ranged heroes/Shield Maiden.

Against matchups that prevent you from using the other setup, I suggest trying this one instead.
Training Camp will ensure none of you troops are isolated (when you are playing against Skeleton King/Royal Ghost this is very helpful), and will provide huge damage output from both Bowler with his attacks/super and Mini Pekka with his damage multiplier crit ability.

When facing Archer Queen decks and setups, it is a key factor to put down a Battle Healer as soon as possible, since her super will charge even when being hit (unlike Healing Ranger's). This will help to keep alive your Shield Maiden even when Queen's Gambit triggers, and to ensure that all those shots make a return to the sender.
Bowler can be used for extra damage/CC on the setup. Consider getting his 3⭐️ (Flash Strike) when getting his 1⭐️ (Damage Amplifier).

Monk is most likely the toughest matchup for this deck.
Mini Pekka and its 3⭐️ are key for this matchup, and i recommend combining it with other minis in the backline (see setup), since in the best case scenario Monk and Shield Maiden will eliminate each other.
Try to avoid Monk's clash ability as much as possible, even if that means putting Shield Maiden on the edge and sacrificing some area of her Halo.
Bowler is a very good pick against Monk. I recommend going 1⭐️ and 2⭐️ first, since 3⭐️ won't trigger if Bowler is silenced.

When facing Skeleton King, the best thing you can do is stacking your troops to the side of the board to avoid them being isolated later on.
You'll absolutely want Mini Pekka's 3⭐️ on the SK, to try to reduce the number of supers.
Dart Goblin is a really good mini, since it will most likely be able to rack up some hit speed and DPS.
Finally, try to provide as much healing as possible (Healing Ranger and Battle Healer both with their 1⭐️), to try and stall the center of the board as much as possible while the Dart Goblin gets some damage.

Bandit is by far the strongest mini against this deck, and gets the matchup a lot harder.
⚠️This also applies to Miner (even though you won't need the Drain ability).⚠️
My advice is to box Mini Pekka with its 3⭐️ in a corner, and trying to get a Shield Maiden super as fast as possible.
Bowler can also be pretty good, especially with his 1⭐️ and 3⭐️.

Against Mega Knight (and other CC cards), get Healing Ranger's 3⭐️ and keep upgrading Battle Healer. Shield Maiden's super will keep her healthy and you'll win in the overtime.
Against Mega Knight, Mini Pekka's 3⭐️ is also good.

Created Jun 19, 2023 by stezio

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 3
(Max) + 8 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck (TOP 500) Shield Maiden 2x Healer was originally created on Jun 19, 2023 by stezio. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Battle Healer, Healing Ranger, Bowler, Dart Goblin, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 7.5, and HP at 175.
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