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BK EWiz Sauna

Barbarian King

Created by Deadstay
Updated May 2, 2023


Sacrifice Ewiz for the Sauna power-up



In early game, you should always place your Ewiz and Archer at the back with BK protecting, this makes a good early-game defending backline units and dealing with frontline units by stunning them and the BK to deal some great damage.


Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard
Skeleton Guard

This deck is only viable with Sauna and no King Tower in rotation!

The main goal of your deck is to kill the electro wizard and defend the sauna as much as possible until it gets a super e-wiz.

(Do note: E-wiz has to be 2 stars or above)

BK should be placed at the back, to absorb the shots from archer once the round starts. The BK should walk upwards to absorb the shots of frontline units. The BK should be able to survive for up to 4-8 seconds (due to the invicibility), which is enough time for the electro wizard to come out powered-up.

It is important to counter archer since she is a very good sauna killer, so place skeleton guard or battle healer at the back to tank the shots from archer.


VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard
Skeleton Guard

(Miner will be shown as the Sauna, as he is replacable with any other unit)

This placement should allow the tanky units to take out the flipped units from the wave master.

VS.NaturebornNaturebornTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Skeleton Guard

Electro wizard is definitely not needed against this matchup. Your main goal now is to take out the natureborn. The electro wizard will not save you from this matchup and you must focus on taking out backline as fast as possible.

VS.BanditBanditTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard

(Miner will be shown as the Sauna, as he is replacable with any other unit)

Sauna should be placed at the back to prevent any absorbation taken from him.

BK EWiz Sauna
Barbarian King
Electro Wizard

Created May 2, 2023 by Deadstay


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSkeleton GuardArcherMiner
    9Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconBattle HealerElectro Wizard

About This Deck

The deck BK EWiz Sauna was originally created on May 2, 2023 by Deadstay. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Battle Healer, Electro Wizard, Skeleton Guard, Archer, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.6, and HP at 136.

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