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Danger Zone Archer

Archer Queen

Created by Noff_Vampirebox
Updated Dec 30, 2021


An all-rounder deck. Deals lots of area damage with a little bit of sniping and tankiness.



Archer Queen is a great hero piece. She can rain arrows across the entire board with Crossbow, and she has a fair amount of health. Her biggest vulnerability is her relatively small damage output for each single arrow. You have to keep her alive and take out any specific counters as she winds up for Crossbow.

The Spear Goblin and Mini Pekka are your assassins. Deploy Spear Goblin behind Archer Queen. If the spear hits, it guarantees a quick KO. This is excellent against bruisers and tanks that rely on being positioned close to your hero. The Mini Pekka deals a ton of damage if it can sneak into the enemy. If your opponent successfully positions to counter these two units, they both have enough health to buy you some time to get Archer Queen's Crossbow move out.

Your two wizards should almost always flank your hero for the same reason. They will do damage, but the main goal is to stall for Archer Queen's attack. They won't be attacked right away in mid-field like this though, so if you're well-positioned they will do two things very well. The Wizard's fire will deal damage in an area to soften groups of opponents. The Ice Wizard will simultaneously slow the nearest opponent. If your Ice Wizard can slow your opponent's hero, you are likely to activate your hero's special move first.

Finally, the Mega Knight should almost always be positioned far forward. It is your basic tank. If it lives long enough, however, it can stun groups of opponents. This stun can even interrupt the special moves of opposing heros, such as Shield Maiden's reflect.

This deck doesn't have too many hard counters, but RNG can cause you an early loss. In general, try to take damage dealers like Wizard and Spear Goblin before spending Elixer on your tanks.


VS.MinerMinerTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight

Miner will destroy entire teams from behind. Protect your Archer Queen in a back corner with your tank, and put a Spear Goblin in the same column as her to get rid of any potential forward threats.

VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight

In the mirror match against Archer Queen, push your entire team forward. Most players will try to keep her safe in the back rows. An overwhelming frontal assault is your best bet in a mirror match. If the opposing Archer Queen brings a Miner or other minis that attack your back line, place your tank behind you to buy time.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight

Ice Wizard is a hard counter to Shield Maiden. Most Shield Maiden players will put her front and center to take damage and pop her reflect move. Putting Ice Wizard in front of your Archer Queen makes that tactic useless. Build a tank as soon as you can to absorb damage while the rest of your deck focuses Shield Maiden down. Otherwise, you may have to spread out laterally to mitigate any area damage common to Shield Maiden decks.

Upgrading your Mega Knight is a good plan here. His knock up ability disables Shield Maiden entirely.

VS.Barbarian KingBarbarian KingTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight

Barbarian King decks often include strong front-line fighters designed to focus one unit at a time. Spread out to divide the damage more evenly among your team. Place your tanks in the front row, and move your Archer Queen and Spear Goblin according to likely opponent Hero placement. Keep your wizards at the sides. They can hold their own.

Danger Zone Archer
Mega Knight
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard
Archer Queen
Spear Goblin

Created Nov 22, 2021 by Noff_Vampirebox


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSpear GoblinIce Wizard
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconMini P.E.K.K.AWizard
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMega Knight
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Danger Zone Archer was originally created on Nov 22, 2021 by Noff_Vampirebox. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Spear Goblin, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Wizard, Ice Wizard, and Mega Knight as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 7.5, and HP at 144.

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