Highest Trophies3937
Exp Level35
3 VS 3 Victories466
Solo Victories58
Duo Victories19
Best Brawler
Dynamike*Current + Highest
Current Trophies236
Highest Trophies236
Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +238
See Battle Log
Battle Log
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
HuntersTrials and Tribulations
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
KnockoutClose Quarters
Brawl BallPower Shot
Brawl BallPower Shot
Brawl BallPower Shot
Brawl BallPower Shot
Brawl BallPower Shot
Brawl BallPower Shot
Gem GrabArène en folie
Gem GrabArène en folie
Gem GrabArène en folie
Gem GrabArène en folie
Recent Brawlers
From 18 recent battles
Win Rate: 90%
Pick Rate: 55.56%
Win Rate: 87.5%
Pick Rate: 44.44%
Brawlers 26/85