Highest Trophies2574
Exp Level24
3 VS 3 Victories91
Solo Victories30
Duo Victories103
Best Brawler
Edgar*Current + Highest
Current Trophies334
Highest Trophies334
Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +211
See Battle Log
Battle Log
HeistHot Potato
HeistHot Potato
HeistHot Potato
HeistHot Potato
Duo ShowdownFinal Four
KnockoutNew Horizons
KnockoutHealthy Middle Ground
KnockoutFlaring Phoenix
KnockoutDeep End
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutFlowing Springs
Duo ShowdownMarksman's Paradise
Duo ShowdownStormy Plains
ShowdownDouble Trouble
KnockoutHealthy Middle Ground
KnockoutDeep End
Recent Brawlers
From 25 recent battles
Win Rate: 80.95%
Pick Rate: 84%
Win Rate: 100%
Pick Rate: 16%
Brawlers 27/89