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gechi cresh


Trophy Road TierI
Stats Battles Brawlers
Highest Trophies
Highest Trophies82030
Experience Level
Exp Level294
3 vs 3 Victories
3 VS 3 Victories17143
Solo Victories
Solo Victories1511
Duo Victories
Duo Victories5132
Unlocked Brawlers
89 / 91
Level 9+ Brawlers
88 / 91
Maxed Brawlers (Lvl 11 + Items)
37 / 91
Brawlers at 500+ Trophies
87 / 91

Best Brawler

Buzz Lightyear (Wing Mode)

*Current + Highest

Buzz Lightyear (Wing Mode)
Brawler Power Level11
Turbo Boosters
Current Trophies1000
Highest Trophies
Highest Trophies1116

Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +36

Brawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl BallBrawl Ball