Highest Trophies6638
Exp Level48
3 VS 3 Victories603
Solo Victories69
Duo Victories175
Best Brawler
Rosa*Current + Highest
Current Trophies382
Highest Trophies382
Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +127
See Battle Log
Battle Log
Gem GrabDouble Swoosh
Gem GrabDouble Swoosh
Gem GrabDouble Swoosh
Gem GrabDouble Swoosh
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
WipeoutIcy ice park
Gem GrabGem Fort
Gem GrabGem Fort
WipeoutIcy ice park
WipeoutIcy ice park
Present PlunderMaze Creep
KnockoutX Marks the Spot
WipeoutLayer Bake
WipeoutLayer Bake
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutHealthy Middle Ground
KnockoutHealthy Middle Ground
KnockoutHealthy Middle Ground
Recent Brawlers
From 25 recent battles
Win Rate: 78.95%
Pick Rate: 76%
Win Rate: 50%
Pick Rate: 16%
Win Rate: 50%
Pick Rate: 8%
Brawlers 22/90