Highest Trophies1213
Exp Level15
3 VS 3 Victories79
Solo Victories7
Duo Victories13
Best Brawler
Frank*Current + Highest
Current Trophies416
Highest Trophies426
Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +154
See Battle Log
Battle Log
KnockoutIsland Hopping
Volley BrawlPower Alley
Volley BrawlPower Alley
Present PlunderEasy Money
Brawl BallSneaky Fields
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
KnockoutGoldarm Gulch
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
KnockoutSizzling Chambers
KnockoutSizzling Chambers
Brawl BallSuper Beach
KnockoutTwilight Passage
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
KnockoutOut in the Open
Recent Brawlers
From 25 recent battles
Win Rate: 72%
Pick Rate: 100%
Brawlers 13/91