Highest Trophies492
Exp Level12
3 VS 3 Victories40
Solo Victories8
Duo Victories22
Best Brawler
El Primo*Current + Highest
Current Trophies446
Highest Trophies452
Trophies from last 25 ranked battles: +167
See Battle Log
Battle Log
WipeoutThe Great Open
WipeoutSlippery road
WipeoutSlippery road
BountySnake Prairie
Gem GrabOpen Space
Hot ZoneRing of Fire
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Duo ShowdownRockwall Brawl
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
HeistSafe(r) Zone
HeistSafe(r) Zone
WipeoutSpice Production
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Brawl BallSuper Beach
Present PlunderSmugglers
KnockoutOut in the Open
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
KnockoutOut in the Open
Brawl BallSunny Soccer
Recent Brawlers
From 25 recent battles
Buzz Lightyear (Wing Mode)
Win Rate: 68.75%
Pick Rate: 64%
El Primo
Win Rate: 75%
Pick Rate: 36%
Brawlers 13/89