
Warcraft Rumble Build Checker


Avg. Gold 0
Avg. Damage 0
Avg. Health 0
Damage per Second
Avg. DPS 0
Add a mini to get started.
Build Rating

Lane Offense

Build attack power against leaders and troops.

Tower Offense

Build attack power against towers.

Lane Defense

Build defense against leaders and troops.

Tower Defense

Build defense of player towers.


Inhibits the opponent from executing his/her strategy.

Weak Against
Strong Against

About the Build Checker

Our Warcraft Rumble Build Checker is the best tool to take a deep dive into advanced deck stats. With this checker, you can see a deck's vulnerabilities, counters, strength of its offense and defense, and more.

While building a deck, the checker also provides recommended Minis and Talents to select from based on the build's weaknesses. Then, you can check its overall balance to see what types of Minis are missing like tanks, fliers, AoE units, and more.

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