How to Upgrade Your Cookie's Skills
In Cookie Run: Kingdom, you want to make sure you do more than just level up your Cookie. You want to make sure you upgrade up your Cookie's skills as well. Upgrading your Cookie's skills can make a substantial difference in the amount of power your Cookie has and can make a huge difference in your ability to complete content.
At a individual Cookie's screen, you can level up your skill by pressing the Upgrade button below the skill. The maximum level a skill can be is the level of your Cookie, so make sure you're leveling up your Cookie as well. Upgrading the Skill costs Coins and Skill Powders for the specific type of Cookie you have. For example, a Charge Cookie requires Charge Skill Powders.
![Skill upgrade screen](/cookie-run-kingdom/res/img/faqs/skill_upgrade_screen.webp)
You can get Skill Powders from a variety of different activities in the game, but one of your main sources of Skill Powders will be from your daily Bounties. Using all of your daily attempts is a great way to maximize your Skill Powder gain. Higher levels of the bounties drop the more rare Skill Powders that you will need for higher levels of skills. However, you may need to continually complete the lower level stages for the lower quality Skill Powders for a while to get enough to level your skill up.
![Bounty screen](/cookie-run-kingdom/res/img/faqs/bounty_screen.webp)
Note that daily bounties only have select skill powders available per day, so make sure you get the ones you need the most when you see them.
Other sources of Skill Powders include your Kingdom's Fountain, Balloon Expeditions, Campaign Stages, and many other activities in the game. These may not be your main source of powders like the Bounties are, but they are still good sources.