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Legendary Roster

Created by DepthCharge
Updated Jun 3, 2024

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An entertaining meme deck that performs surprisingly well. All cards consist of legendaries with the exception of tornado due to massive gameplay improvements. Playstyle is pretty straightforward with the cards provided and can be decently used by all skill levels.


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Mega Knight7 ElixirSparky6 ElixirRoyal Ghost3 ElixirPrincess3 ElixirFisherman3 ElixirThe Log2 ElixirElectro Wizard4 ElixirTornado3 Elixir

Stats lvl 11

Elixir Icon
Avg. Elixir3.9
Damage Icon
Avg. DMG342
Damage Per Second Icon
Avg. DPS120.5
Hitpoints Icon
Avg. HP1063


7Legendary icon
1Epic icon

Arena Level



Focus on heavy sparky pushes with a megaknight in front. Chip away at towers with princess, and draw out opponents with royal ghost. If you start a sparky push in left lane and your opponent spams right lane, then use tornado and/or fisherman to draw your opponents into range of sparky. Use of Dagger Duchess is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but regular Princess can also work. This deck obliterates hog 2.6 since tornado can be used to prevent princess tower damage and activate king tower. If no tornado is in cycle, use fisherman in the middle to prevent any hog damage. Sparky and fisherman will be the two most important cards in this deck (followed by the princess), since a center fisherman can obliterate most high HP cards by pulling opponents into range of both Duchess towers. If elixir is low and you have a counter pushing sparky, place a fisherman in front as a “poor man’s tank”. Predict skeletons at bridge with log, and often try to pull opponents into their tower with tornado when sparky shoots. If you time it right, you will deal massive damage and tilt the rest of the game in your favor. If the opponent has a rocket, only use sparky in the center and keep it away from other cards. If they have a monk, predict when they’ll activate ability and pull it away shortly before with a tornado so that the sparky can’t shoot the monk ability in time. Deck has been used competitively up to 8000k trophies, however, it has not been tested past that range. This deck oddly works great against most other decks, however, be cautious of air-oriented decks such as lumberloon and lavaLoon. Lumberloon can be countered with decent placement of a princess in the back and a tornado to pull away the balloon. Fisherman can pull away lumberjack to prevent the rage boost. Electro wizard can be used to stall the ballon once the lumberjack is pulled away. Lavaloon (likely the worst match up for this deck) will be a much harder game; your best option is to wait for them place a supporting electro dragon behind lavahound and push with everything you have in the opposite lane.
Ironically, this is my second-best deck in the 8k tropthy range.


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