Best Poco Build
Tuning Fork
Poco and all nearby allies heal 740 health per second for 5 seconds.
Screeching Solo
Poco's Super now also hits enemies, dealing 1520 damage.
Gadget Charge
Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Curated from 70 user-created builds, this is the most optimal build for Poco. For the Gadget, Tuning Fork is used 90% of the time making it much better than Protective Tunes. For the Star Power, Screeching Solo is picked 53% of the time making it a little better than Da Capo!.
Poco has 6 Super Rare Gears. Out of these, Gadget Charge is picked the most at 29%. Gadget Charge is very useful if you have a Gadget that plays a significant part in your strategy. If not, it might not be as useful compared to a more passive Gear. The second best is Damage which is used 24% of the time. Damage is a fantastic Gear to help you win head-to-head battles when you're close to being knocked out.
If you'd like to see other builds for Poco, you can view trending and top-rated community-made guides below.
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