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Belle guide

Belle - RYWTzz
Updated Jan 6, 2025

Nest EggPositive FeedbackShieldReload Speed
Nest EggPositive FeedbackShieldReload Speed

Rank 35 belle guide

Nest Egg

Nest Egg

Belle places a trap on the ground that will explode when triggered by an opponent. The trap deals 624 damage, and slows down anyone within its blast radius for 3 seconds.

Positive Feedback
Star Power

Positive Feedback

Belle gains a 20% shield whenever her Electro-Bolts hit a target.

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Reload Speed
Gear 2

Reload Speed

15% faster Reload.


Belle is a sniper with an attack that chains between players like Jessie’s and is played as the long range brawlers in every comp she appears in. Her super allows her to mark opponents which makes them take more damage from every source which is surprisingly useful against squishy brawlers. Overview:
Belle’s shot isn’t easy to hit and can take time to get good at hitting your shots so practice is key. Use bots or get a friend who wants to work on dodging to help train your aim. The same applies to aiming your super. Belle is a good brawler for dealing with squishy brawlers or making life difficult for tanks with her super. Try to stay away from assassins as they are an extreme counter and will often kill you if they can get up close. Control space as to not allow any brawlers that could be dangerous for you to get close and keep other brawlers away from you. You out range most other brawlers and have high damage to help get kills at that range.Gadgets:
Nest egg is great for controlling small spaces and defending yourself when necessary and is a great pick to make life a little harder for melee brawlers. Reverse polarity is also a great pick and mainly helps you deal with throwers but is very difficult to use. Limiting the number of bounces can make hitting shots with it easier but it is a massive flex to trick shot someone so try it in low stakes games.Star powers:
Positive feedback is the star power you should always run and helps out with the fact Belle is a squishy brawler. 20% shield can save you from several attacks that would otherwise kill you and her other star power is only good against one ammo brawlers, none of which are really meta at the time this was written.

Game Modes

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Carry the gems and try to be supportive for your team

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Hot Zone

Hot Zone



Works Well With





About This Build

This build, Belle guide, was created by RYWTzz on Jan 6, 2025. The build is for the Brawler, Belle, and uses the Nest Egg gadget, Positive Feedback star power, Shield gear, and Reload Speed gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Belle build and others.

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