This build is mainly used for 8-BIT to get around the map, and to easily get better angles on the enemy team. The speed gear is switchable, but i don't recommend switching it out for anything else on bushy maps
Cheat Cartridge
8-Bit instantly teleports to his Damage Booster.
Plugged In
When 8-Bit is near his Damage Booster, he will plug in and have increased movement speed.
Reload Speed
15% faster Reload.
Gain 15% Speed increase when moving in bushes.
You should try and get variable angles that will make you win the interaction. Speedboosts from bushes are your best friend, but that doesn't mean you should camp of course. This build is a very Offensive build that incourages seeking winnable angles on the enemy team.
Game Modes
Brawl Ball
Underrated on maps with bushes. Even maps with 2 by 2 bushes works for him
Actually, a bit Overrated on some maps. but still viable
Works Well With
Barley is currently out of the forgotten depths with his recently added hypercharge. He does good damage from medium to long range. He also has the ability to heal 8-BIT, aswell as slowing enemies down. you can use the same argument for Darryl's slow, but 2 tanks on one team rarely works well...
About This Build
This build, Speedy Mcfleet-BIT, was created by AumShinrikyo on Dec 18, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, 8-Bit, and uses the Cheat Cartridge gadget, Plugged In star power, Reload Speed gear, and Speed gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best 8-Bit build and others.
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