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Enraged Healing Ash

Ash - Altitude4
Updated May 28, 2024

Chill PillFirst BashSpeedDamage
Chill PillFirst BashSpeedDamage

This is a build of how BROKEN Ash can be.

Chill Pill

Chill Pill

Though furious, Ash has to collect himself. A full Rage meter will recover 3240 health when this gadget is popped - less Rage, less recovery.

First Bash
Star Power

First Bash

When hitting an opponent with his attack charges full, Ash gets even more angry. His Rage goes up by 200%.

Gear 1


Gain 15% Speed increase when moving in bushes.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


You all have probably faced an Ash before. They are really tough and annoying due to his health and super, Little Helpers. Those little pests will slowly take away your health, then Ash will obliterate you into the dust. That's really annoying, right? Having to deal with all of the helpers but it doesn't matter because Ash kills you anyway? Well now, this is payback for what they have done. This build will tell you how to be a menace with Ash in Brawl Stars.Overview:
Ash is an Epic Brawler with high health and movement speed and a short attack radius.
Ash's niche, Rage Bar, fills up a certain amount when he hits someone or is hit. Ash has buffs such as speed boosts and damage boosts that increase the more his Rage Bar is filled. Once his Rage Bar is empty, you will lose those buffs which will be bad for you. I recommend a Hit-N-Run strategy because that way, they can't hit you easily and you fill more of your Rage Bar which means a lot of buffs.Gadget, Chill Pill:Chill Pill gives you more health for the amount you have filled of the Rage Bar when used. In some games, when you have a healer like Byron, then use Rotten Bananas. There is a problem about that though. The problem is that you almost never know when you have a healer until the game has started. The only way to know you have a healer is if you team up with them. But even then, they could still change into a different brawler so, Chill Pill is better. Even if there isn't a healer, Chill Pill can still heal you. It's useful in Solo Showdown or Knockout, if you are soloing someone. If you are about to die, just use Chill Pill to save you. This also can happen in Knockout, if you are the last person left on your team and there is one opponent left. You have to time it right though. If they are one hit away from dying but you are about to die and you use Chill Pill, they might not be one shot anymore. That could give an advantage to the other team, which means they would probably win. Use it when you are about to die and they can be killed without you dying along with them. I know Rotten Bananas may be more viable, but you already have a damage buff from your Rage and you gain Rage easily. But you can't have lots of health if someone is attacking you. The other Gadget also takes health away from you, which could lead to your death. Basically, you use Rotten Bananas but it is better because your Rage doesn't take health away from you and it gives more buffs. Overall, Chill Pill is better because it gives things you can't acquire easily like health.Star Power, First Bash:When Ash hits an opponent with all of his attack charges, his Rage goes up by twice the amount. It's great because you obtain Rage fast when attacking which gives you good buffs. Mad As Heck is a great Star Power, as it gives Ash more reload speed depending on his Rage. That can save his life a lot but so can First Bash and usually, you won't be able to do enough damage to kill an opponent before they kill you. Imagine you are playing Knockout. You are tied with one point each. You and a Frank are alive and both of you are about to die. You have all of your attack charges, Frank can one shot you but you can two shot him without the buffs. Mad as Heck won't do anything as you can one shot him because First Bash got you enough Rage to kill him. Of course, Mad As Heck is also really useful. Pretend you are doing Solo Showdown and there are two brawlers left. One of them is you and one of them is an Edgar. You have none of your attack charges and you are about to die due to the last person you killed but they have no charges left and he's about to die. As you know, Edgar has one of the fastest recharges in the game. He attacks but he misses and you kill him because your Star Power saved you (and a lot of luck considering the fact that Edgar players usually never miss). Both Star Powers are great but First Bash edges Mad As Heck because you acquire your buffs faster than usual (that's what I prefer though. It's your choice, not mine). So, I would say First Bash is better but really, it depends on your playstyle.Gear 1, Speed Gear:
This gear increases your speed by 15% when moving in bushes. This is useful when opponent's are checking bushes because you can run away from them (unless you are batting a Lily, Buzz or Cordelius because they will automatically know your in the bush due to their supercharge radius). In some cases, the speed gear can save your life, mostly in really bushy maps if your battling a fast opponent like Lily, etc. Pretend you are doing Wipeout, in a really bushy map. Each team has one kill left and you are to die. Just go into a bush and run away (unless it is a ranged brawler, then you are doomed) Then triple-team someone and you win. The Super Charge gear is also good because you gain your super faster. If you aren't doing a bushy map, then use Super Charge Gear. If you are doing a bushy map, then use Speed Gear. I would recommend Speed Gear because you can escape a lot of death scenarios. Super Charge Gear is also useful in death scenarios but the other gear is useful in more of them. So, I would recommend Speed Gear/Super Charge Gear depending on what type of map it is (if it is grassy, use Speed Gear but if it has lots of walls, then use Supercharge Gear).Gear 2, Damage Gear:
This gear makes you deal 15% more damage below half of your max hp. This gear is great because you are stronger and you also have those buffs from the rage that make you stronger. Combined with everything that we have talked about, you are basically a really strong healing Ash (hence why I called this build Enraged Healing Ash). Ash is great with this gear because even when you lose a lot of hp, you still have a lot left because you are a tank and tanks have a lot of hp. Just make sure to not lose a lot of hp to get the Damage Gear while the opponent's are near you. You will most likely die from that, so if that happens, RUN!!! DON"T LET YOURSELF DIE, ESPECIALLY IN KNOCKOUT WHEN YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE. Overall, this is what you should use as one of your gears because of the damage and capabilities (do NOT ask why this section is shorter than most of the others).Tips and Tricks:
- Try not to be triple-teamed (go with your teammates)
- Get your Rage as fast as possible (the buffs will help a lot)
- Hide in a bush to surprise enemies (and possibly kill them)
- Get as many gems in Gem Grab as you can (because you are a tank)
- Protect teammates from incoming danger (you might be able to survive)
- Use Chill Pill strategically (if you don't, it might be a waste)
- Try to not use all of your attack charges at once (First Bash can help a lot)This is my build for Ash in Brawl Stars

Game Modes

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Since you are a tank, try to get as much gems as possible. You will probably survive for a long time.

Works Well With



A close -range brawler to defend the long-ranged brawler. This combo has won me numerous games. Rico can snipe people while you protect him.

About This Build

This build, Enraged Healing Ash, was created by Altitude4 on May 28, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Ash, and uses the Chill Pill gadget, First Bash star power, Speed gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Ash build and others.

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