Every legendary from worst to best
Life Plant
Spike grows a large cactus with 2600 health to give cover to friendlies. If destroyed, the cactus bursts, and all nearby friendlies recover 1560 health.
Spikes from the cactus grenade fly in a curving motion, making it easier to hit targets.
Sticky Spikes
Spike's Super slows 30% more effectively.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
I will be ranking every legendary brawler from worst to best. 12: Meg. Meg is too weak in her human form. Not to mention her very annoying voice lines. She is also the least legendary in my opinion.11: Surge. I’m honestly not too interested in Surge ( sorry snakethug). Surge is not accessible to new players and also has not so fun gameplay.10: Kenji. Moe is way more interesting and kenji was broken for so long. He is also an assassin and even though I don’t hate them, they are very annoying.9: Spike. I absolutely hate going against spike. His attacks really tick me off. But he is fine as a character.8: Kit. He is hated with pros but I don’t understand. I like kit and he has an amazing lockpit skin. 7: Draco. Draco has the most voice lines and his personality is amazing. Not much to say.6: Sandy. He is way too annoying but he is a fun character and brawler to play. His skins are amazing.5: Leon. He is so fun as an assassin due to his invisibility and star power. His character is so cool.4: Chester. His 5 supers add a nice twist. He is super fun to play with his 5 supers.3: Crow. His poison attack is very cool and super dominates on the safe and hyper charge is so deadly2: Amber. Auto aim for the win.1: Cordelius. He is the most fun assassin with his super. I really wish I have him.
About This Build
This build, Ranking every legendary, was created by CaptainB on Nov 16, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Spike, and uses the Life Plant gadget, Curveball star power, Sticky Spikes gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Spike build and others.
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