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How to fix hank

Hank - MrBoxman
Updated Nov 12, 2024

BarricadeIt's Gonna BlowDamageGadget Charge
BarricadeIt's Gonna BlowDamageGadget Charge

I am going to try to fix hank



Hank takes 40% reduced damage for 3 seconds.

It's Gonna Blow
Star Power

It's Gonna Blow

When Balloon Blast is charged over 80%, Hank gains 10% extra movement speed.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


Right now, Hank is one of the worst brawlers in the game due to being nerfed so much. Today I will try to fix Hank and his biggest problems. First off, his speed is so slow that anyone with even a decent movement speed can get out of his attack. To fix this, I will be buff it’s speed to fast to increase the chance of hitting an opponent. Hank is also weak due to his gadgets. Let’s start with water balloons. Three seconds is nice but barricade is a better gadget. To fix this, I will be increasing to 3.5 seconds. His barricade gadget is also not great. So I will be increasing its resistance to 50% for 3 seconds. His star powers are just awful. Take cover is very bad. To fix his star powers, I will be increasing the speed for its gonna blow to 20%. And I will be completely reworking the take cover star power to torpedo reload. It will make him do 10% more damage for every torpedo that hits.Speaking of his super, I will be increasing the healing from 50% to 75%. Do you think Hank will be OP or balanced from this rework.

About This Build

This build, How to fix hank, was created by MrBoxman on Nov 12, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Hank, and uses the Barricade gadget, It's Gonna Blow star power, Damage gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Hank build and others.

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