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In-Depth Nani guide

Nani - ShieldingBlackberry741898
Updated Nov 8, 2024

Warp BlastTempered SteelSuper ChargeDamage
Warp BlastTempered SteelSuper ChargeDamage

Nani is an extremely good brawler for many different game modes

Warp Blast

Warp Blast

Nani detonates Peep and teleports to his last location.

Tempered Steel
Star Power

Tempered Steel

Nani takes 80% less damage while her Super is active.

Super Charge
Gear 1

Super Charge

Super charges 10% faster.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


—How to play Nani—Don’t be afraid to overshoot Nani’s bullets, even though the range ends at a certain point they overlap and keep going for around 1-2 blocks length. Try and use the curve bullets to your advantage, if someone is hiding behind a wall, try and hit them with one of your outer bullets instead of going around the wall and try to hit them with all three of your shots. Since Nani has low health try and stay away from brawlers that can deal high damage close range and try not to get hit by snipers.—Gadget—The other option that Nani has for the gadget is not a bad choice but the gadget can usually catch your opponents off guard. Try and get as close as possible so that when you are near them all 3 of your bullets hit. This means that there is an increased damage dealt to them, you can even use auto shoot! Another plus to this is that you can even go near enemies that have knockback ability since you can just range them out.—Star power—Since we have the gadget that makes you teleport to the other opponent unless you are planning to snipe someone with your super this star power is better to take reduced damage from people that are trying to attack you while you are standing still and getting ready to jump someone.—Gears—The super that Nani has is definitely the most important if not the second most important out of his attack and his build. With the 10% faster super charging rate you will easily be able to get his super and use the gadget to jump others. Nani is a pretty low health brawler so it is a good idea to use most of the damage when he is alive, so that is why the 15% damage boost is better to use on Nani then most other gadgets.—Gamemodes—The gamemodes that I recommend for you to play Nani on are any maps that have not many walls apart from solo showdown and knockout. The reason for that is Nani only does high damage when the bullets actually hit, so if you have a lot of walls even though nani has the curve for some of their bullets, but it wouldn’t be as effective then if you had a map with a small amount of walls. Why I don’t recommend you playing knockout with Nani is simply because Nani doesn’t have that much health.

Game Modes

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Gem grab usually has a lot of space where the gems spawn so it is a good idea to just use Nani and camp the gem spawner.

Hot Zone

Hot Zone

Depending on which map Nani can deal high amounts of damage in hotzone since Nani can be able to hit multiple enemies at once with a high amount of damage dealt to them.

Works Well With



As soon as you rush in with your gadget kit is able to heal your just in case you die from someone, just hope that the kit in your team doesn’t play like Juan Carlo- i mean yeah just hope no bad randoms!

About This Build

This build, In-Depth Nani guide, was created by ShieldingBlackberry741898 on Nov 8, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Nani, and uses the Warp Blast gadget, Tempered Steel star power, Super Charge gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Nani build and others.

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