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Edgar Ranked Build (Legendary+)

Edgar - DrakesSnakeIs
Updated Nov 3, 2024

Let's FlyHard LandingSuper ChargeGadget Charge
Let's FlyHard LandingSuper ChargeGadget Charge

For those randoms who don't know how to play Edgar and super onto everybody.

Let's Fly

Let's Fly

Edgar's Super charges faster, 525% for 4 seconds.

Hard Landing
Star Power

Hard Landing

Edgar's Super will also deal 1350 damage to nearby enemies upon landing.

Super Charge
Gear 1

Super Charge

Super charges 10% faster.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


The more walls= the better for Edgar.
He counters throwers very well (etc dynamike barley) IMPORTANT: EDGAR IS A LAST PICKSTAR POWERS
HARD LANDING- use when against squishy/mid hp brawlers.
FISTICUFFS- better against tanky brawlers.GADGET
Let's fly is the best one and the one you should use on a competitive level of brawl stars. it lets you get away and is very good for heist and gem grab.GEARS
Gadget charge- essential with let's fly gadget.
Damage- more damage the better
Super charge- use this with gadget charge and let's fly if you have problems cycling supers.COUNTERS
Gale - super and gadget backs him away
Piper/Angelo- they can push Edgar back and especially on long range maps counter Edgar hard.Thanks for reading :)

Game Modes



Very strong on the map "Hot Potato". Good DPS for the safe, combined with hyper is basically a jessie turret.



We all know why



Even if you die you charge super and hyper for your next brawlers. Edgar is good at 1v1s in general as long as long as it isn't a long range map

Works Well With



Frank stuns and Edgar kills.



Do i need to explain?

About This Build

This build, Edgar Ranked Build (Legendary+), was created by DrakesSnakeIs on Nov 3, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Edgar, and uses the Let's Fly gadget, Hard Landing star power, Super Charge gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Edgar build and others.

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