Teamwiping enemies easily
Survival Shovel
Mortis reloads faster for 4 seconds.
Coiled Snake
Mortis gains his longer dash 2 seconds faster.
Bat Storm
The speed of bats increased by 50%.
Gadget Charge
Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.
Brawl ball teamwiping build, works well with hypercharge
Game Modes
Brawl Ball
About This Build
This build, Teamwiper Mortis , was created by DaGAMER159975 on Oct 30, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Mortis, and uses the Survival Shovel gadget, Coiled Snake star power, Bat Storm gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Mortis build and others.
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