Extra Credits
8-Bit's next attack has the number of projectiles increased to 18.
Plugged In
When 8-Bit is near his Damage Booster, he will plug in and have increased movement speed.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Reload Speed
15% faster Reload.
Angry game with dealing damage, safe, bounty, knockout, Wipeout, 5v5 ( Starpower Boosted Booster)
in gem play gadjet ( Cheat Cartridge )
Game Modes
my strategy in safe it's angry play and make crazy damage to brawlers and safe and super very helpful with it
in bounty i play not very angry like passive important use your super very right just think about it
Gem Grab
in gem angry game, stay in mid taking gem here use gadjet for teleport
passive play use ult for dodge opponents attack and use super right be careful
Works Well With
About This Build
This build, Angry Damage 8-bit build, was created by BombardingAvocado519457 on Oct 23, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, 8-Bit, and uses the Extra Credits gadget, Plugged In star power, Damage gear, and Reload Speed gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best 8-Bit build and others.
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