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Ash build good for mastery and rank 35

Ash - FlyingGiant843983
Updated Oct 12, 2024

Chill PillFirst BashDamageSuper Charge
Chill PillFirst BashDamageSuper Charge

This ash build is good for many game modes.

Chill Pill

Chill Pill

Though furious, Ash has to collect himself. A full Rage meter will recover 3240 health when this gadget is popped - less Rage, less recovery.

First Bash
Star Power

First Bash

When hitting an opponent with his attack charges full, Ash gets even more angry. His Rage goes up by 200%.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Super Charge
Gear 2

Super Charge

Super charges 10% faster.


This ash build will help you a lot to get his mastery and trophies. Ash is epic brawler that is a tank class brawler he loves to smash his in opponents. His rage ability helps with speed and reload time speed. And his super is rat bots that explode on impacted.

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Ash is good at brawl ball because when he gets into rage mode his faster and his ammo reloads faster making him really good at brawl ball.

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

His shot in the arm gadget provides himself with healing, therefore boosting his survivability, which makes him one of the most versatile brawlers for gem grab



Ash is good at knockout in brawl stars because he’s a balanced character with one of the fastest unload speeds in the game. He’s best at sneaking up on brawlers and taking down low health brawlers.

Works Well With



Byron can heal and snipe for ash. Which helps ash kill brawlers.



Barley can throw over walls and damage opponents lowering their hp so ash can kill.



Mandy gadget can snipe threw walls to help ash go in for the kill.



Bocks super helps damage a lot of opponents at once to help ash.

About This Build

This build, Ash build good for mastery and rank 35, was created by FlyingGiant843983 on Oct 12, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Ash, and uses the Chill Pill gadget, First Bash star power, Damage gear, and Super Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Ash build and others.

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