Best Guide to get Easy Rank 30. He's still broken after the nerf.
![Snappy Shooting](/brawl-stars/res/img/items/clancy_gadget_01.webp)
Snappy Shooting
Clancy gains double tokens for 5 seconds.
![Pumping Up](/brawl-stars/res/img/items/clancy_starpower_02.webp)
Pumping Up
Clancy reloads all of his ammo on every enemy takedown.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.
Health: 6600
Movement Speed: Normal
Trait: Clancy gains tokens when he hits enemies. ATTACK
Damage: 1600|Range: Long|Reload Speed: Slow
Stage 1: Clancy fires one bullet
Stage 2: Clancy fires a second bullet each attack
Stage 3: Clancy fires 2 extra bullets diagonally each attackSUPER
Damage: 16 x 1600|Range: Normal
Stage 1: Fires bullets in a cone shape in front of him
Stage 2: Bullets travel a lot farther
Stage 3: Bullets deal 26% more damageSTAGES
Stage 1 -> 2: 9 projectiles
Stage 2 -> 3: 15 projectiles
Stage 3: 20% movement speed buffGADGETS & STAR POWERSGADGETS
Snappy Shooting: Clancy gets double tokens for 5 seconds
Tactical Retreat: Clancy dashes, reloading 1 ammo and stunning enemies.
Recon: Clancy starts the match with 3 tokens
Plumping Up: Clancy reloads all his ammo every killBEST BUILDGadget: Snappy Shooting (Showdown and Knockout) - This will help you get your stages quicker. You don't have a ton of time to farm stages in these gamemodes.
Tactical Retreat (Everywhere Else) - You have a lot of time to farm in the other game modes, so the other gadget wouldn't be as useful. You can still use it though. The dash will help with getting away and playing aggressive.Star Power: Pumping Up - Clancy has a super slow reload speed, so this will help him finish fights quicker. It will also prevent you getting third partied when you have no ammo to fight.Gears: Damage and Shield (You can also use speed and health) - Just the better gears for him overall.BEST MAPS AND GAMEMODESDuo Showdown: Clancy is terrible at getting boxes, but if your teammate can break boxes you could be insane. His super is so broken, but with power cubes makes it insane.
Best Maps: Any non long range mapHeist: Your super absolutely destroys the safe. At stage 3 you can destroy almost 40% of the safe!
Best Maps: Diamond Dove, Double Locking and Hot PotatoBrawl Ball: Team wipes are so easy with Clancy. Since brawl ball maps are usually close ranges and teammates are grouped up, you can go insane. His dash gadget can also be used to make good plays.
Best Maps: Center Stage and Sneaky Fields.CLANCY'S MATCHUPSGood Matchups: Tanks and Squishy's
Bad Matchups: Any brawler that outranges ClancyTIPS1. Snappy Shooting + Super combo: Will pretty much allow you to instantly get to the next stage.
2. Farming Correctly: Instead of trying to shoot everyone, focus on one character that you have a good matchup against. Any tank or slow brawler. Once you get Stage 3 is when you start focusing the other brawlers.
3. Don't Play Scared: If you have Stage 3 or even just your super, be aggressive with it. Too many people play scared and don't play aggressive. If you don't play aggressive you won't be able to push Clancy.
4. Stage 1 Sucks: Please just please get to Stage 2. If you don't you're cooked. Even if it means dying just to get to Stage 2, do it.
Game Modes
![Duo Showdown](/brawl-stars/res/img/modes/icon_duo_showdown.webp)
Duo Showdown
Clancy is terrible at getting boxes, but if your teammate can break boxes you could be insane. His super is so broken, but with power cubes makes it insane.
Your super absolutely destroys the safe. At stage 3 you can destroy almost 40% of the safe!
![Brawl Ball](/brawl-stars/res/img/modes/icon_brawl_ball.webp)
Brawl Ball
Team wipes are so easy with Clancy. Since brawl ball maps are usually close ranges and teammates are grouped up, you can go insane. His dash gadget can also be used to make good plays.
Works Well With
About This Build
This build, ULTIMATE Clancy Guide, was created by bigcatboyy on Oct 10, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Clancy, and uses the Snappy Shooting gadget, Pumping Up star power, Damage gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Clancy build and others.
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