Squeak can shoot across the map and do high damage with the gadget and star power
Squeak's next Sticky Blomb deals 50% more damage and has 100% longer range.
Chain Reaction
Each opponent within the area of a Sticky Blomb's explosion increases the Blomb's damage by 15%.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Gadget Charge
Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.
Squeak has been buffed. Use this build to deal crazy damage to opponents from far away.
Game Modes
super directly onto the middle of the safe so all damage points hit
Hot Zone
shoot into middle of zone
super into middle of zone if enemies are in zone
lay back and use gadget to deal large amounts of damage, let other brawlers finish enemies
Works Well With
About This Build
This build, Long Range High Damage Squeak, was created by Adman on Oct 8, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Squeak, and uses the Windup gadget, Chain Reaction star power, Damage gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Squeak build and others.
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