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teleporting assassin

8-Bit - ChargingBandit154305
Updated Sep 23, 2024

Cheat CartridgeBoosted BoosterReload SpeedDamage
Cheat CartridgeBoosted BoosterReload SpeedDamage

this is very op for knockout and bounty. it has good movement and damage

Cheat Cartridge

Cheat Cartridge

8-Bit instantly teleports to his Damage Booster.

Boosted Booster
Star Power

Boosted Booster

Increases the Damage Booster's range by 50% and boosts damage by an additional 15%.

Reload Speed
Gear 1

Reload Speed

15% faster Reload.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


use your super whenever possible and make sure its in a safe spot that you can still attack from but they cant attack you lets say behind a wall where you just attack then go behind the wall again while your getting your damage boosted by your super. at some point you should move out from the spot you are in and go in to attack and make sure to teleport back to your super when you are low. this build is good for knockout and bounty a lot of times

Game Modes



make sure to do good damage but also stay very safe



go in a bush and put your super in the bush then constantly attack them if you get hit move back then teleport to your super and attack them and then they prob will be ded

Works Well With



you need max for extra speed and additional damage

About This Build

This build, teleporting assassin, was created by ChargingBandit154305 on Sep 23, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, 8-Bit, and uses the Cheat Cartridge gadget, Boosted Booster star power, Reload Speed gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best 8-Bit build and others.

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