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Redfork2000's Leon Build

Leon - Redfork2000
Updated May 7, 2024

Clone ProjectorSmoke TrailsLingering SmokeDamage
Clone ProjectorSmoke TrailsLingering SmokeDamage

My preferred build for Leon as a Leon main.

Clone Projector

Clone Projector

Leon creates an illusion of himself to confuse his enemies.

Smoke Trails
Star Power

Smoke Trails

When Leon uses his Super, he gains a 30% boost to his movement speed for the duration of his invisibility.

Lingering Smoke
Gear 1

Lingering Smoke

Leon's Smoke Bomb lasts 2 seconds longer.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


GAME PLANThe main game plan for using this build is to build towards getting your Super to then use it to get easy kills by ambushing vulnerable targets. So your game plan mostly revolves around your Super, as well as eventually your Hypercharge, which is one of the strongest in the game.You want to start playing more cautiously, keeping a distance from dangerous brawlers and slowly chipping away at them from a distance, both to stop them from progressing down the map, and to gain charge for your Super without putting yourself at risk.Use bushes and walls strategically. Use walls to take cover from snipers and force them out of position to shoot at you. Bushes can be used to hide in and use your gadget to create a temporary distraction that will waste opponent's ammo and can allow you to reposition yourself. Remember to only use your gadget when you are at full or almost full health, as if you use it when you're on low health, not only will your clone be taken out immediately, but it will become more obvious to the opponents that it is a clone as it is rushing towards them at low health, something that'd be counterintuitive for a player to do.When you've finally charged your Super, look at the enemy team and determine who your target will be. The best brawlers to target with your Super will be low health brawlers that you can easily defeat at point blank range. Think of marksman brawlers like Brock, Bea, Byron or Piper, and thrower brawlers like Tick, Barley or Sprout. However also be mindful of their positioning. If their allies are nearby, they will likely take you out once you reveal yourself when you attack. Instead it's best to attack brawlers that are isolated from their allies.Try to go into a bush before you use your Super. If you use your Super where the enemy can see you, they will know you are invisible and will try to locate you. Instead if you use your Super inside a bush, the other team might not even realize you've gone invisible until it's too late.Here's where the Smoke Trails star power comes in handy, as it lets you close the distance very quickly, and Lingering Smoke will make your Super last longer. This ensures that you will be able to approach your target as quickly as possible and secure the kill. This combination also works greatly as a retreat option if you need to reposition yourself. Hide into a bush, then use your Super, and run to a different bush to make it harder for enemies to locate you. This works especially well in Gem Grab if you happen to be carrying a lot of gems.ALTERNATIVESLollipop Drop is an alternative option to Clone Projector that can be especially useful in modes where you want to keep control of a certain area of the map. By placing the gadget to cover the area you want to control, it will make it harder for enemies to defeat you and your teammates. This works best when paired with long-ranged brawlers, who can freely attack while under the invisible effect of your gadget, thus making it hard for enemies to approach freely. If used between two groups of bushes it can allow you to "connect" the bushes, thus making it easy to move between one group of bushes and another without being detected.The Invisiheal star power gives you better survivability, though I prefer Smoke Trails as its speed boost allows you to more quickly close the distance to secure kills more easily.The Lingering Smoke gear is arguably the best gear Leon can use, as prolonging his invisibility allows him that much more of an opportunity to use his Super to secure kills or to reposition himself on the map.The Damage gear is very helpful for winning close fights that you might otherwise lose. I believe with Leon, offense is usually the best defense.Alternative gears I could recommend are the Shield gear, which can help increase the chances of survival when using your Super to approach an enemy to secure a kill or the Speed gear on particularly bushy maps.MODESWhile I consider Leon to be a versatile brawler that can perform well on most modes, I have the most success playing Leon on modes that encourage the use of Marksman and Artillery brawlers, as these are very long-range brawlers with very low health that have a very hard time defending themselves when ambushed by Leon using his Super. As long as you make sure to play patiently at first, fighting at a distance until Leon can get his Super, you will then be able to use his Super to easily ambush and defeat these brawlers.My preferred modes to use Leon are Knock Out, Bounty, Duels and Wipeout, though he can also perform well on Gem Grab to ambush the gem carrier on the opposing team, and is a decent pick in Brawl Ball due to his fast movement speed and his ability to easily defeat enemies at point blank if they try to approach the goal with the ball. But in Brawl Ball you generally want to play more aggressively than in most other modes, focusing on clearing out the defenses quickly to allow yourself and your teammates to score quickly. You can afford to play more aggressively and get closer to enemies than you could in other modes, as you rely less on your Super to provide value to the team. Against close-range brawlers like Tanks, or assassins like Buzz or Edgar, stay at a medium range from them, close enough to deal significant damage to them with your attacks while also staying far enough that they can't reach you with their own attacks.

Game Modes



Leon can be deadly in Knock Out. At the beginning of the match, focus on gaining charge for your Super by attacking enemies from a distance. Take advantage of any bushes on the map to move stealthily around the map. Once you have your Super, you can now choose an isolated target, and approach them with your Super to secure a kill.Try to defend allied brawlers that struggle with close-range combat such as marksman and thrower brawlers. By staying close enough to them you can quickly defend them in an emergency if an assassin or other close-range brawler manages to close the distance, such as an Edgar using his Super to jump onto your ally.



Very similar game plan to Knock Out. Focus on charging your Super from a distance, and once you get your Super, use it to go in for the kill. Do not try to approach brawlers that are very close together, as Leon will get overpowered by them. Instead focus on brawlers that have isolated themselves, such as a thrower hiding behind a wall far away from the rest of their allies. Prefer attacking enemies with a higher bounty on them if it's safe to do so.After a successful kill, pull back and fight at a distance again until you can get your Super again, and repeat the cycle.



In duels Leon can be used as a second or third brawler in your team composition. Place him right after a brawler that can get their Super very easily, such as Stu, to ensure that you'll be able to start the round with Leon's Super already fully charged, as Leon's Super can make many matchups very easy to win.If you start a round without Leon's Super charged, fight at a distance until you can get his Super, and then try to approach the opponent from a direction they will not expect.



In Wipeout, play similarly to how you would play Knock Out or Bounty. Play safe at first, attacking enemies from a distance, and once you charge your Super you can go in to take out isolated enemies.

Works Well With



Most marksman brawlers are a good ally for Leon as they can help put pressure on the enemy team from a distance. In the early game you want to play at a distance until you can get your Super, so having allies that prefer long-range combat is very beneficial to you.If there's any assassins that can close the distance quickly towards Piper like Mico or Edgar, Leon can stay close to Piper to defend her from those assassins as he can deal a lot of damage at close range.



Amber's long range and excellent crowd control really helps Leon greatly. Amber punishes enemies for grouping up close to each other as she can hit them much more easily, and thus incentivizes them to spread out, which can make it easy for Leon to target them with his Super.



Sandy provides excellent map control. Leon's Super also synergizes greatly with Sandy's Super, as Sandy can create an area on the map where Leon can retreat to in order to safely use his Super. And even when Leon doesn't have his Super charged, he still greatly appreciates the invisibility Sandy's super provides, and can even use it to either fight at a distance to charge his Super, or to ambush enemies who try to fight inside the radius of Sandy's Super.



Like Piper, Belle is a marksman brawler who performs best in long-range combat, and thus helps provide pressure at a distance. Furthermore, her attack also punishes enemies for staying too close together, which incentivizes them to spread out, and thus making them more vulnerable to being ambushed by Leon. Her Super can leave an enemy very vulnerable, and thanks to the extra damage a marked brawler will take, it can allow Leon to ambush and kill enemies he normally wouldn't be able to ambush safely. Belle will also appreciate Leon staying nearby to defend her from close-range brawlers that want to close in on Belle and defeat her at close range.

About This Build

This build, Redfork2000's Leon Build, was created by Redfork2000 on May 7, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Leon, and uses the Clone Projector gadget, Smoke Trails star power, Lingering Smoke gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Leon build and others.

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