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Insane Rank 30 Tick The Assassin

Tick - AxlPlayzBrawlStars
Updated Sep 5, 2024

Mine ManiaWell OiledThicc HeadShield
Mine ManiaWell OiledThicc HeadShield

This build is *probably* going to guarantee instant rank 30 if u use it correctly

Mine Mania

Mine Mania

Tick's next attack fires 6 mines.

Well Oiled
Star Power

Well Oiled

When Tick takes no damage and doesn't attack, he starts recovering health 2 seconds faster than normal.

Thicc Head
Gear 1

Thicc Head

Tick's Head gains 1000 extra Health.

Gear 2


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.


This (according to me) is the best tick build. Presenting......
My favorite Tick Build Guide! Consists of :
1. Gadget: Mine Mania
Tick throws multiple mines at once, dealing damage over a wider area. This gadget is useful for controlling choke points, applying pressure, or forcing enemies out of cover. Aim it strategically to cover maximum ground or to predict enemy movement.2. Star Power: Well Oiled
Tick recovers health faster when out of combat. This star power is great for maintaining Tick’s presence on the battlefield. Use the extra healing to stay alive longer and keep poking enemies with Tick's mines. Keep your distance and avoid direct fights to maximize the benefits of this star power.3. Gear 1: Thicc Head
Tick’s Super launches a larger and stronger head that chases down enemies, dealing more damage and having more health. This can be great for finishing off low-health enemies, scouting areas, or causing disruption. Use it to force enemies into unfavorable positions or finish them off from a distance.4. Gear 2: Shield
The shield gear reduces incoming damage, which is vital for Tick since he is one of the lowest-health brawlers in the game. The extra damage reduction can help Tick survive long enough to reposition, heal up, or deal that crucial bit of damage before falling.Playstyle Tips:
Stay at a Distance: Tick is most effective when kept at a distance, harassing enemies with his mines. Stay behind walls and obstacles to avoid direct fire while you place mines in areas where enemies are likely to pass.Use Gadgets and Supers Wisely: Mine Mania can be a great tool to create space or apply pressure when needed. Combine it with Thicc Head to disrupt enemies further and take them down when they are distracted or low on health.Focus on Map Control: With Tick's mines, you should focus on controlling specific areas of the map, such as choke points or objectives. This will make it harder for enemies to approach your team.That was all according to me
and my rank 29 Tick
I'm sincerely, verry sorry if none of this comes to your match
Still, this was only for reference! Your choice if you want to use it, or not!
Thank YouBest regards,

Game Modes

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Gem Grab's central control point plays perfectly into Tick's strengths. His mines can zone enemies away from the gem mine and control the mid-area effectively. Tick can continuously harass the enemy team from a distance while providing cover for teammates collecting and holding gems.Tips:
Focus on placing mines around the gem mine or in choke points where enemies need to pass.

Hot Zone

Hot Zone

Hot Zone requires controlling specific areas on the map, and Tick excels in zoning out enemies and controlling space with his mines. His constant pressure can prevent enemies from stepping into the zone, while his long-range poke makes it difficult for enemies to stay in control.Tips:
Place mines within or just outside the Hot Zone to prevent enemies from entering. Use your gadget and Super to keep enemies at bay and maintain control of the zones.



Not his best, but it works!
Anyways, Bounty is all about long-range engagements and staying alive, which aligns with Tick's playstyle. Tick’s mines can force enemies out of cover or make it difficult for them to hide. His ability to stay at a distance while continuously dealing damage makes him a strong choice for this mode.Tips:
Stay at the backline and use your mines to poke enemies from a distance. Focus on controlling key areas and avoid getting too close to enemies. Use Well Oiled to heal up quickly and maintain a presence on the map.



While not his best mode either, Tick can still be effective in Heist by providing area control and constant pressure on the enemy team. His mines can be used defensively to protect your team’s safe or offensively to prevent enemies from defending their own. Tick can also slowly chip away at the enemy safe from a distance if left unchecked.Tips: Focus on controlling the mid-area and blocking pathways with your mines to prevent enemies from reaching your safe. Use your Super to disrupt enemies trying to attack or defend. While Tick’s damage output is lower than other Brawlers in this mode, his ability to control space and slow down enemy advances can still be quite valuable.

Works Well With



Pam can heal Tick and other teammates with her Healing Turret, allowing Tick to stay in the fight longer. Pam also has a medium-range attack that can cover the areas Tick can’t, while her turret helps control specific areas and objectives.Tips: Pam can control the mid-area with Tick in modes like Gem Grab or Hot Zone. Tick’s mines can force enemies into Pam’s attack range, making it difficult for them to stay in one place for long. Pam’s Healing Turret also provides a safe zone for Tick to fall back to when needed.Also works well with other supports!



Jessie’s turret and bouncing shots can help control crowds and deter enemies from getting too close. Her turret can provide additional pressure alongside Tick’s mines, making it difficult for enemies to move freely.Tips: Tick and Jessie can both control choke points and deny large areas of the map. Use Jessie’s turret to distract or damage enemies while Tick places mines to cover key paths or areas. In modes like Gem Grab, they can create a strong defensive zone around the gem mine.



Tara’s Super can pull enemies together into a single spot, making them easy targets for Tick’s mines. Tara’s ability to scout bushes with her Shadow can also help Tick stay safe from flankers.Tips: Tara can control areas Tick can’t see, like bushes or narrow paths. When Tara pulls enemies together with her Super, Tick can follow up with his mines or Super to deal massive damage to grouped-up enemies. Together, they can keep enemies on their toes and constantly under pressure.



Lou's ability to freeze enemies with his Super can synergize well with Tick’s area control. When enemies are slowed or frozen, Tick's mines become even more dangerous, and it becomes easier for them to hit their target.Tips: Lou can use his Super to cover a wide area with ice, making enemies slip and get slowed down. Tick can use this time to throw mines strategically to force enemies into his damage range or push them away from objectives.Honorable Mention: 8-Bit
Why He’s a Great Teammate: 8-Bit's Damage Booster can increase Tick’s damage output, making his mines more lethal. 8-Bit’s turret can provide Tick with a safe spot to stay and deal more damage from a distance. Tips: Set up 8-Bit's turret in an area where Tick can place his mines, forcing enemies to make a tough choice between staying in the turret’s range or getting hit by Tick's mines. This combo can be particularly effective in modes like Bounty or Gem Grab.
(So sorry I couldn't fit 8-Bit here)

About This Build

This build, Insane Rank 30 Tick The Assassin , was created by AxlPlayzBrawlStars on Sep 4, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Tick, and uses the Mine Mania gadget, Well Oiled star power, Thicc Head gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Tick build and others.

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