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Insane rank 30 Lily

Lily - AxlPlayzBrawlStars
Updated Sep 5, 2024

VanishSpikyGadget ChargeShield
VanishSpikyGadget ChargeShield

This build is *probably* going to guarantee instant rank 30 if u use it correctly



Lily enters the Shadow Realm for 3 seconds.

Star Power


After teleporting to an enemy, Lily's next attack deals 1060 more damage.

Gadget Charge
Gear 1

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.

Gear 2


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.


For the best Lily build (according to me) you would need to :
1. Utilize Gadget Vanish for Strategic Plays: Lily’s Gadget Vanish is a powerful tool for both offense and defense. This Gadget allows Lily to temporarily become invisible, making it an excellent option for surprising enemies or escaping dangerous situations. Use Vanish to reposition yourself in tricky situations or to launch a surprise attack. It’s also useful for avoiding damage and escaping from tight spots where Lily might otherwise be vulnerable.2. Enhance Damage with Star Power Spiky: Equip Star Power Spiky to amplify Lily’s damage output. This Star Power increases the effectiveness of Lily’s attacks by adding additional damage or effects. Combining Spiky with Lily’s Gadget Vanish allows for powerful burst attacks when you reappear from invisibility. Use this combo to catch enemies off-guard and quickly deal significant damage, making it easier to secure eliminations and control key areas of the battlefield.3. Boost Survivability with the Shield Gear: The Shield Gear is essential for increasing Lily’s durability in battles. It provides a protective shield that reduces incoming damage, allowing Lily to stay in fights longer and endure more attacks. This Gear is especially valuable when using Gadget Vanish to reposition or engage enemies, as it helps mitigate the damage you might take while executing these plays. The Shield Gear ensures that Lily can maintain her offensive pressure while being more resilient.4. Maximize Gadget Efficiency with Gadget Charge: The Gadget Charge Gear is crucial for improving the availability of Lily’s Gadgets. By reducing the cooldown of your Gadgets, you can use Vanish more frequently, giving you more opportunities to make strategic plays and apply pressure on your opponents. This Gear ensures that you can rely on Gadget Vanish as often as possible, which is key for both surprise attacks and evasive maneuvers.5. Synergize Abilities for Optimal Performance: The combination of Gadget Vanish, Star Power Spiky, Shield, and Gadget Charge creates a balanced build that enhances Lily’s offensive and defensive capabilities. Use Gadget Vanish to reposition or surprise enemies, and capitalize on the damage boost from Star Power Spiky to maximize your impact. The Shield Gear ensures you can withstand more damage, while Gadget Charge keeps your Vanish ready for use more frequently. This synergy allows Lily to excel in various scenarios, from aggressive engagements to defensive plays.I'm very sorry if anything was wrong
This was all gotten from my rank 30 Lily
Thank youBest Regards,

Game Modes



1. Survivability and Stealth: Lily’s Gadget Vanish and Star Power Spiky make her particularly effective in Showdown, where staying alive and dealing damage over time is crucial. Vanish allows her to escape dangerous situations and reposition stealthily, while Spiky enhances her damage, making her a strong contender in the late game.2.Control and Ambush: In Showdown, controlling space and ambushing opponents is key. Lily’s ability to become invisible and then strike with increased damage can be game-changing. This makes her effective at both sneaking up on opponents and avoiding fights she can't win.3. Durability: With the Shield Gear, Lily gains added survivability, which is crucial in Showdown’s intense final stages. The Shield allows her to endure more damage, helping her stay alive longer against both solo and duo opponents.4. Gadget Efficiency: The Gadget Charge Gear helps Lily use her Gadgets more frequently, which is especially useful in Showdown where strategic use of invisibility can provide a significant edge. This constant availability of her Vanish Gadget helps in both survival and offensive tactics.Also useful for Duo showdown!

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Lily can be effective in Gem Grab by using her invisibility to surprise enemies and capture or contest the central gems. Her increased damage from Star Power Spiky can also be useful in securing key fights. Especially at the countdown! She can use the vanish gadget to sneak around and/or just run away!

Hot Zone

Hot Zone

Lily’s ability to control space with her enhanced attacks can be advantageous in Hot Zone, where controlling specific areas is crucial. Her Gadget and Star Power work well to maintain control of hot zones and deal with enemies trying to capture them.



Her 2120 damage per hit (at max power level), and 8000+ health really helps her to maintain the enemy safe and per hit could actually be 3% of the safe per hit!

Works Well With



Rico’s bouncing attacks and high damage output complement Lily’s abilities nicely. Rico’s Super Bouncy can hit enemies around corners and cover areas that Lily can control with her spikes. This combination allows for effective crowd control and area denial, making it challenging for opponents to maneuver.



Not my best choice but still, Poco’s healing abilities make him a great teammate for Lily. His Creepy Serenade Star Power allows him to heal himself and nearby teammates, which can be invaluable for keeping Lily alive during intense battles. Poco’s consistent damage output and ability to heal synergize well with Lily’s need for durability and survivability.



Jessie’s turret can be a valuable addition to Lily’s team. The Scrappy turret provides consistent damage and can help control areas that Lily’s spikes cover. Jessie’s turret can also distract enemies and provide additional support, allowing Lily to focus on dealing damage and controlling space.



If you got double Lily on your team, then that's guaranteed win
Tested and proven! (IMAGINE TRIPLE LILY)

About This Build

This build, Insane rank 30 Lily, was created by AxlPlayzBrawlStars on Sep 3, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Lily, and uses the Vanish gadget, Spiky star power, Gadget Charge gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Lily build and others.

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