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Edgar - Iknowbutmaybenot
Updated Sep 1, 2024

Let's FlyFisticuffsDamageGadget Charge
Let's FlyFisticuffsDamageGadget Charge

its just gay.

Let's Fly

Let's Fly

Edgar's Super charges faster, 525% for 4 seconds.

Star Power


Edgar receives 25% more healing from damage he deals.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


At start, use your gadget and charge on low healthed enemies that you counter, its ok if you get killed by their teamates, just go on them when they're low. If you meat up with one of your counters, like shelly for example, thats bad, but what you can do is just super when you meet them in the bush, which causes them to miss super. But if they dont have super, attack until you see that they have charged their super up, the moment you see they've got their super, you jump, and shelly miss super.

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

At start, use your gadget and charge on low healthed enemies that you counter, its ok if you get killed by their teamates, just go on them when they're low. A common trick for edgar is kicking the ball and super forward, this leads you to advance faster and trickshot.



If you meat up with one of your counters, like shelly for example, thats bad, but what you can do is just super when you meet them in the bush, which causes them to miss super. But if they dont have super, attack until you see that they have charged their super up, the moment you see they've got their super, you jump, and shelly miss super.



If you play heist, super the heist when only 1 or less people are around, kill the enemy first, then attack the heist.

Boss Fight

Boss Fight

Use the shield gadget for this.

Works Well With



it can back oppoonents up, heal edgar while he's fighting, and be a damage support too.



It increases Edgar's health and damage by a huge amount, and this buff can give him a huge advantage in fighting CERTAIN brawlers.

About This Build

This build, gay, was created by Iknowbutmaybenot on Sep 1, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Edgar, and uses the Let's Fly gadget, Fisticuffs star power, Damage gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Edgar build and others.

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