Área control build
Sweet Dreams
Sandy's next attack lulls opponents to sleep for 1.0 seconds. They will, however, wake up from any damage.
Rude Sands
Sandstorm now also damages enemies for 216 damage per second.
Exhausting Storm
Enemies inside of Sandy's Sandstorm deal 20% less damage.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Best build for sandy in the current meta. Make sure to throw your Sandstorm aggressively to deal poke damage to opponents and reduce their damage.
About This Build
This build, Area Control, was created by GriffUser100 on Aug 27, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Sandy, and uses the Sweet Dreams gadget, Rude Sands star power, Exhausting Storm gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Sandy build and others.
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