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Bull the assassin

Bull - FlyingMonk115587
Updated Aug 18, 2024

StomperBerserkerSuper ChargeGadget Charge
StomperBerserkerSuper ChargeGadget Charge

A new fun way to play this basic of a brawler



Bull can interrupt his Super charge and slow all nearby opponents with a massive stomp for 1.5 seconds.

Star Power


When Bull falls below 60% health, his reload speed doubles!

Super Charge
Gear 1

Super Charge

Super charges 10% faster.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


Im not gonna lie, this brawler is not a top tier and everyone knows it, but also everyone knows him. Bull was one of Brawl Stars’ most iconic faces back in the day, so I wanted to give this tough guy a new way to shine in the Brawl stars of today. Why this build ?When I started creating this build I asked myself a question, « Which type of Brawler do players enjoy to play? » and immediatly, I thought of assassins brawlers like Fang, Edgar or more recently Melody. Those brawlers who can Teamwipe entire teams, chain kills, and have insane mobility. So I wanted this clunky and bulky guy to do the exact same… I know, playing a Tank like an assassin seems a bit troll but let me explain…Gameplan explication :Like an assassin, this build allows Bull to gap close really fast with his victims while one shoting them and escaping really fast.This build is based on a combo :
Ult - gadget - 2 x basic attack - Ult= 12640 damages if all attacks are landed at minimal range and the two supers connect.With this combo you can easily kill 85 % of the roster while ulting to their mates to kill them too or ulting back to reposition out of danger.Usually it’s not that easy to cycle supers without the super gear that’s why Im using it.
Basically you charge one super in just two medium range attacks if already tanked some damages, the gadget gear is a must have because your stomp helps you set up kills even if you don’t hit directly someone and is overall a jack of all trades.While playing this Bull, you need to know when to take damage in order to charge your ult, when to go-in and out in order to apply a constant pressure and be a constant threat even for those big Tanks. (You can even be a wallbreaker if you want).Best maps : Semi-Open (Backyard bowl), (Kaboom canyon), (GG mortuary)…I HIGHLY recommend the Bull player to queue up with good supports who can set up plays and heal him or even go-in with him (Berry too good).Strengths :-A great last pick who is cheesy
-Can destroy walls
-Can destroy 85% of the roster in true 1v1
-Can easily teamwipe
-Apply a constant pressure
-No bush camping needed
-Fun and unusualWeaknesses :-Be careful of stuns
-Need a reactive team
-Need very good decision making
-Low range
-No defensive option in the build
-Be careful of not being to far from your mates.

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Bull can destroy walls and the fast-paced games are perfect because of his gadget dependency.



Bull can burst the Safe and create space to let his team rush with him.

Works Well With



Berry is a perfect synergy : Bull needs healing (Berry has), Bull needs someone to rush with him (Berry can).
Bonus : Bull needs to take damage to charge his ult and Berry charge his when he heals mates so Bull is actually charging his super and Berry’s one



Gus has the range that Bull doesn’t have, Gus is weak against assassins, Bull isn’t, Gus can place ghosts for Bull and even shield him before charging.

About This Build

This build, Bull the assassin, was created by FlyingMonk115587 on Aug 18, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Bull, and uses the Stomper gadget, Berserker star power, Super Charge gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Bull build and others.

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