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Piper rank 35 guide

Piper - Florek
Updated Jul 24, 2024

Homemade RecipeSnappy SnipingShieldHealth
Homemade RecipeSnappy SnipingShieldHealth
Homemade Recipe

Homemade Recipe

On activation, Piper's next main attack will home in on enemies.

Snappy Sniping
Star Power

Snappy Sniping

When Piper hits an opponent with her attack, she reloads 0.4 ammo instantly.

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Gear 2


Recover Health 50% more effectively.


Piper does more damage if you are further away so always try to shoot from as far away as possible.Aiming is also a good tactic,if your opponent is walking to jet then shoot just beside him to the side he is walking to.If an enemy is too fast then use your gadget for more chance of hitting.The star power makes you even stronger if you are in bushes so you can kill someone in one shot.Also make sure you are in a place with not too many walls so Piper can hit the enemies well and easily.

Works Well With



Maisie and Piper are an OP attack combo

About This Build

This build, Piper rank 35 guide, was created by Florek on Jul 24, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Piper, and uses the Homemade Recipe gadget, Snappy Sniping star power, Shield gear, and Health gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Piper build and others.

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