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let´s play fang

Fang - HealingGolem760811
Updated Sep 7, 2024

Roundhouse KickFresh KicksShieldDamage
Roundhouse KickFresh KicksShieldDamage

a simple fang build

Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Fang spins and hits all enemies around him, stunning them for 0.5 seconds.

Fresh Kicks
Star Power

Fresh Kicks

When Fang defeats an enemy Brawler with his Super, it's recharged instantly, allowing him to use his Super again!

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


Start by using your Super to initiate the fight. Then, activate Roundhouse Kick, which stuns your enemy, making it easier to secure a takedown before he can react. With Fresh Kicks, your Super gets charged up after defeating an enemy, ensuring you’re ready for the next encounter. The Damage gear provides the extra punch you need to finish off opponents when it matters most, and the Shield gear gives you more survivability.OTHER BUILD
The Corn-fu gadget isn’t a good choice since the other one is better in every situation. Divine Soles can be an option, but 688 damage reduction is quite low. When it comes to gear, the other two choices is superior, but you can use the Gadget Charge, as it grants you an extra use of a powerful ability.tipsWith Fresh Kicks, Fang’s Super is instantly recharged when he defeats an enemy Brawler with it. So, feel free to use your Super to finish off enemies, knowing that it will be ready again in no time.With the Roundhouse Kick gadget, you can cancel attack animation from your brawler, giving you opportunity to do more damage. This lets you take down a lot of brawlers with no chance to react.With the Roundhouse Kick gadget, you can steal the ball in brawlball to defend an unstable goal.

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball







About This Build

This build, let´s play fang, was created by HealingGolem760811 on Jul 20, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Fang, and uses the Roundhouse Kick gadget, Fresh Kicks star power, Shield gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Fang build and others.

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