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Usual Team Mode Build

Barley - GUEBA0912
Updated Jul 12, 2024

Herbal TonicMedical UseVisionHealth
Herbal TonicMedical UseVisionHealth

Supportive Backliner

Herbal Tonic

Herbal Tonic

Barley throws a healing potion at nearby allies that creates an area that heals for 720 health per second.

Medical Use
Star Power

Medical Use

Barley regains 480 health from each attack.

Gear 1


Reveal opponents for 2 seconds after dealing damage to them.

Gear 2


Recover Health 50% more effectively.


Welcome to this guide of mine. In it, I will attempt to provide a deep explanation on how to use it properly and be effective with it.
Remember that prior experience with Barley, as well as other Artillery Brawlers is required to hit wellThe main usage of this build is to maintain a offensive, yet heavily defensive line in 3v3 modes. This can be managed by Barley's big splash projectiles, as well as his Superskill. One of Barley's big flaws is his small amount of HP, slow reload speed and troubles with charging the Superskill, which is why he, and this build in particular, cannot work in modes such as Duo Showdown or Showdown. The input he provides is often crucial to win, though it is hard to reach that part.You should use this build as a support and survivability. Use the gadget sparingly and effectively, for example in Hotzone when the team is split across the map, as it can turn the tide of battle. Remember to try to predict your enemy's movement. Try to utilize the projectile speed to your advantage and attempt to hit your bottles in sync.Barley, though a flawed Brawler, has the ability to be a good Brawler in the right hands. Practice is NEEDED to use this build.

Game Modes

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

This build acts as a support/mainly defense hybrid. Attempt to give your teammates as much cover as possible and provide hwaling via gadget. Stay back and act as a defense for your teammates which may have gems on them. If countdown starts, continue to defend, if enemy countdown starts, attempt to take down the enemy with the most gems.



This build acts as a support/defense hybrid, so it is best to stay back and come in to give your teammates cover. Try to heal with the gadget if the team's health goes low.

Hot Zone

Hot Zone

Barley's projectiles are optimal for Hotzone. A lot of maps have bush bundles, so your Vision gear comes in handy. Focus on being aggresive while maintaining a defense. Use your Superskill to scare off the enemies, if they capture it, otherwise try to use your Superskill effectively in enemy bundles. Use your gadget at the right times to maintain a steady capture.



This build acts as a support/defensive backline. Try to pick off enemies that have gone behind walls. Attempt to help your teammates in advancing to the enemy spawn. Use your gadget at the right time.

Works Well With



Poco's healing gadget and Barley's healing gadget work hand-in-hand in modes like Hotzone, as it is hard to outdamage the healing output that both produce. They both synergize well in support and defense, though it is not recommended in 3v3, other than Hotzone.

El Primo

El Primo

El Primo (and many other melee Brawlers) have to rely on the input of others. This build supports these melees a lot, as it can both provide a good amount of healing via gadget and attacking over the wall can help them advance or help retreating.

About This Build

This build, Usual Team Mode Build, was created by GUEBA0912 on Jul 12, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Barley, and uses the Herbal Tonic gadget, Medical Use star power, Vision gear, and Health gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Barley build and others.

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