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Crustacean Soldier

Hank - tomulin13
Updated May 4, 2024

BarricadeIt'S Gonna BlowDamageHealth
BarricadeIt'S Gonna BlowDamageHealth

The best possible build for normal Hank for players without using any cheese, such as Hank with Kit!



Hank takes 40% reduced damage for 3 seconds.

It'S Gonna Blow
Star Power

It'S Gonna Blow

When Balloon Blast is charged over 80%, Hank gains 10% extra movement speed.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Gear 2


Recover Health 50% more effectively.


Let's just get to the point. Hank isn't the best in the meta currently, so I wanted to atleast teach some newer players how to get around this Shrimp and how to use him correctly.Barricade Gadget !!!USE THIS!!!While it is true that Hank has a huge health pool, consisting of 10800 HP (as of writing this), this gadget will let you survive for atleast tad bit longer. Hanks health will be around 15000 when this gadget is active, which is insane, and let's you close distance between enemies much easier than before. Combine it with a healer such as Byron, and Hank becomes an unkillable Tank with this gadget. Definitely a go-to choice for me.Water Balloons Gadget You can use this, but preferrably only with good teammatesA very simple gadget, and can work really well with Hank if you know what you are doing. When you activate this gadget, your next Main Attack will also slow down the enemies you hit with it for 3 seconds. With this, you could make it easier to confirm kills for your teammates, as being slowed down can be sometimes crucial for a deciding factor of a game, if it is either win, or lose. While it isn't inherently a bad gadget, the Barricade gadget is much better due to the sheer amount of health you get. But if you have really good teammates, and you aren't playing with randoms, you could use this gadget as it is fairly strong.It's Gonna Blow Star Power !!!USE THIS!!!Let's be real here, Hank can deal alot of damage with his bubble, 4200 to be specific, but he has one big weakness. And that is speed. Hank has got a "Normal" movement speed, which could be comparable to brawlers like Nita, Brock, Barley, and many more. And that is where this Star Power comes to save the day. Whenever you make your bubble charge up up to 80% or higher, you will gain a small speed boost, 10% to be precise. While it isn't alot at all, it can help you catch up to your opponents and hit them with that sweet 4200 bubble shot. Definitely go-to Star Power if you don't want your teammates to suffer on the battlefield!Take Cover Star Power DO NOT USE THISThis Star Power, while it may seem good on the surface, having a damage reduction while near a wall, is completely useless and bad. Don't get me wrong, 20% is alot, but you have to be standing next to a wall to be able to use it. It doesn't stay with you if you go away from the wall, you have to be right at the wall for it to be active. Not to even say it is bugged with the Barricade Gadget, where if you use Barricade, and then go away from the wall, your Gadget will end early, giving your opponents easier time to deal with you. Please do not use this Star Power, it is bad.GearsThere is not even any real competition here. Damage gear just straight up boosts your damage from 4200 to whopping 4830. It lets you ONE SHOT many brawlers, such as but not only: Piper, Tick, Brock, Nani, and much more.
Health gear for obvious reasons, you are a Tank, you need to get up close and personal to deal any damage with Hank, due to that fact, whenever you will have to fall back to heal up, this gear will just help you do so far more quickly.Well, ya still wanna learn more? Well then, worry not, as I have tried to write some sort of a guide on how to play Hank more consistently!NOW, moving onto the basics of how to be a true Hank Player
Hank isn't an easy brawler to play at all, but that doesn't mean he is bad. While yes, he is countered easily, but if you manage to master him, he is DEADLY.
In order to learn how to play Hank, you should first familiarize with this one thing called "Game Sense". Take it like meditating, where you focus on specific point in order to reach Ascension (I dunno I just said something here). You need to realize when it is a good time to push up, when is it good time to retreat in order to heal, or if you should stay up and use your Damage gear for your advantage. These are difficult steps for a new player to learn, but if you do master them, then pushing Hank will become far easier than ever before.
I cannot just say how to "Master the Game Sense" as it is something you will learn on your own when playing Brawl Stars. But worry not, this game is about skill, and you will learn alot of things when you play for long time, so you will learn what Game Sense is, and how to utilize it just by playing and learning the game on your own. I would say when you manage to get AROUND to 30K total trophies, you have already managed to learn a bit about Game Sense, and you could whip out the Shrimpy boy out.So, you have learned Game Sense, now it is really time to learn Hank.
First tip I will tell you is to NOT aim your bubble towards your opponents. Now you may be wondering "Why not? How will I hit my bubble then?" Well, let me explain. Whenever you aim with Hank, you have control of where the Bubble is aiming, same as with other brawlers, but your opponents can see you aiming the bubble on them. Solution? Simple, aim the bubble behind you, and when you are ready to pop it, aim it quickly onto your opponents. This strategy has quite few advantages in itself aswell, since your opponents cannot always tell how big the Bubble hitbox truly is. You don't see alot of Hank players out there, so not everyone is familiar with the bubble hitbox, and die to it pretty easily.
TLDR: Aim your bubble backwards, and flick it onto your opponents when you are ready to do so!
By the way, did you know, you don't have to fully charge your bubble? Yep, you can just let it charge up to for example just half of the bar, and you can still do massive damage with it, and it is better that way, due to a simple fact that your enemies will start to slowly heal up before you charge up your bubble to the max, if they aren't attacking, that is.How about learning when to use your super now?
Your super is a simple, yet powerful part of Hanks kit, it allows him to deal massive damage up close, so.... what is there to learn about it?
You see, when you charge up your Super, you don't just rush that El Primo and try to position yourself on top of him. No. Instead, you wait for him to get upclose to you, for example when you are retreating to heal up, and the Primo is chasing you, you should turn back to the Primo, and try to position yourself on top of him to decimate him instantly. You could also do that to Assassins and other Tanks, as these are the easiest to do it on, as they usually need to get up close and personal to deal any damage to you.
You could also try to snipe with your Super, but that is much more difficult task to do, and I would not recommend using it, as it just wastes your super and the heal you get from it. Unless you are really good at it of course.I'm getting kinda tired, I wanna continue this thing, but I just don't have the energy for it, so here is a REALLY good video explaining on how to use Hank and be effective with him. I may come back to this Build again some time and finish it up, sorry for this.THE VIDEO:

Game Modes



If you do decide to push Hank on Knockout, I recommend a map with a huge variety of walls. I personally pushed my Hank to 1000 trophies on Belle's Rock with my friends. When you manage to get into the middle, your opponents will have tougher time pushing in, as you will be oppressing them with your 4200 damage bubble all the time, and if you got healer, like Byron on your team, it is even easier to push up and demolish your opponents. Plus if your opponents have an assassin on their team, Hanks super can DECIMATE them up close.

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Walls, walls, walls. Walls are your best friend in brawl ball, if you do not manage to win before overtime, it could very well be the end of you, as Hank is unplayable without walls. Try to stay behind walls and push your enemies further back to attempt to score a goal!

Works Well With



Byron is all around an excellent healer. He isn't as good as he was back then, but he pairs really well with Hank.
Hank can push far easier with Byron healing him while getting shot at by opponents. Having a health pool of 10800, possible damage of 4200, and a pocket medic on your back, you can never go bad with Byron!

About This Build

This build, Crustacean Soldier, was created by tomulin13 on May 4, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Hank, and uses the Barricade gadget, It'S Gonna Blow star power, Damage gear, and Health gear.

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